Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Light rail in Canberra not economically viable: report - ABC Online

Updated June 12, 2014 07:02:29

Light rail in Canberra is not economically viable and would cost $915 million, according to a report commissioned by the Liberals.

The ACT Government plans to build a light rail track from Civic to Gungahlin for about $614 million.

But consultant Bob Nairn prepared a report for the Canberra Liberals showing the project cost could blowout by an extra $300 million.

Mr Nairn worked on the first stage of light rail in Sydney and has done feasibility studies for light rail projects in Korea.

He estimated it would cost $915 million to build the Gungahlin line, based on the construction costs of recent light rail projects in the United States.

Mr Nairn said the project could not be considered economically viable and it was highly unlikely that a private partner would express an interest in the project.

"At this stage of Canberra's development it does not appear to be possible to achieve an adequate financial result," Mr Nairn said in the report.

The report establishes a benefit-to-cost ratio of less than 1 per cent, showing the project has significantly more costs than benefits.

But Mr Nairn said few projects were funded with a benefit-cost ratio of less than 2 per cent.

He said a benefit-to-cost ratio of 2.5 per cent was usually expected.

The report assumed the ACT Government would borrow all funds needed to provide the track and stations, accruing 5 per cent annual interest, and repay the loan over 15 years.

Mr Nairn said the Government would need to borrow $940 million for construction costs and contribute an annual sum of $55.52 million in 2017, increasing to $107.79 million by 2031 to pay off the loan.

The report also estimated the average fare cost of light rail at $4, based of an ACTION bus fare of $3.60.

But Mr Nairn said even increasing the light rail fare to $5 would not make the project economically viable.

"The higher LRT (light rail) fare reduced the patronage of the system to the extent that the final fare revenue was reduced and there were insufficient operating savings to offset this effect," the report said.

Topics: urban-development-and-planning, states-and-territories, act, canberra-2600, gungahlin-2912

First posted June 11, 2014 21:27:03

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