Protesters gathered outside the Russian Embassy on Wednesday to oppose the military intervention in Ukraine.

About 50 people gathered about lunchtime outside the Embassy of the Russian Federation on Canberra Avenue, Griffith.

Protesters waved placards with messages such as “Stop Adolf Putin”, “Putin has enough blood on his hands!” and “Leave Ukraine to Ukrainians!”.

As the crowd waved Ukrainian flags, one of the protesters was yelling into a megaphone, “Go home Mr Putin, we do not want you here!” and the crowd chanted along with him.

One protester in the crowd said: “We come here from the freedom of Ukraine! Because I am Ukrainian and I worry for my country.”

Another protestor of Ukrainian descent said that there had been no provocation for Mr Putin to send troops into Crimea.

“There were Russians in Kiev,” she said, “and they were only protesting against [ousted president Victor] Yanukovych and his opulent living conditions. Not only his, but all his cronies and everybody else.”

“I've got family over there, and we are upstanding and upholding Ukrainian freedom, like here in Australia,” she said.

The area was fenced off and police were called to the scene.