Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The recently opened facility adjacent to the Jerrabomberra Wetlands delivers ... - ABC Online

As Canberra grows so does the demand for services such as electricity and what was good enough fifty, or even ten years ago, isn't anymore.

While new installations serve Canberra's urban fringe there is need for renewal of services in older areas.

There's been massive expansion at the airport over recent years and the Kingston Foreshore is also growing rapidly, so it will come as little surprise that an upgrade to the power network in the area was needed.

Prettier substations

The East Lake substation, opened on land between Fyshwick and Duntroon, is a state-of-the-art facility that not only future proofs the area's power needs, it's also much more attractive both physically and environmentally.

ActewAGL General Manager of Network Services Rob Atkin said that getting rid of old 'meccano set' substations is a step ahead.

"This particular facility is housed indoor predominantly ... it takes up much less room than outdoor equipment and aesthetically is much more pleasing," he explained.

Happy birds

Upgrading powerlines that run right through the middle of the Jerrabomberra Wetlands conservation area would always be a challenge.

Once a combination of swamp and dairy land, Jerrabomberra Wetlands is now a valuable natural resource within kilometres of Canberra's centre, hosting some 170 species of birds and some high voltage powerlines.

The solution? Let the birds have the skies and put the powerline underground.

"One of the really positive outcomes is to be able to remove the poles with the great big powerlines through the Jerrabomberra Wetlands," Jill Faulkner told 666 ABC Canberra.

Faulkner is the executive Officer of the Capital Woodlands and Wetlands Conservation Trust and is delighted with the outcome.

"The added bonus that we have here too now is some extra water ponds around the area that have been created by ActewAGL and we're finding that there are more birds are coming in," she said.

Communication is key

The overall solution to the sensitive upgrade, juggling conservation and expansion with a need for consultation at both local and federal level, required careful management.

It seems that prior preparation really does prevent problems.

ActewAGL CEO Michael Costello says that it's important work that needs to be done to support a part of Canberra that is growing quickly.

"We spent a lot of time, and a very unusual amount of time, with all the political parties, with all the environmental groups, with all the heritage groups, with all the Indigenous groups, taking them through what we're doing and ... convincing them that what we're doing was not going to hurt their interest," Costello said.

Stage two of the project will see the eventual removal of the Causeway Substation, a 'meccano set' between the Jerrabomberra Wetlands and the new development of the Kingston Foreshore.

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