Thursday, November 14, 2013

Unearthing Canberra's long lost backyard treasures - ABC Online

Updated November 15, 2013 15:00:09

Paul de Klerk and Neil Cossins are on the hunt for long lost treasures.

Metal detectors in hand, they sweep the surface of a small park tucked away in one of Canberra's oldest suburbs.

Blip, blip, blip, Neil's device has detected something.

Could it be that elusive gold sovereign? Or just another aluminium bottle cap?

"I've always been interested in finding long lost treasures and old coins," Neil says.

He pulls out his pen knife and unearths a penny.

"What you really want to find is gold sovereigns, or holey dollars or 1930 pennies," he says.

"They're the real money."

Nearby, Paul digs up a 1917 silver shilling.

"I love pulling up old coins, I think it's fantastic," he says.

"My first one was a six-pence. It was exciting to actually pull some old silver, pre-decimal, out of the ground."

Neil has been coin hunting for a decade, while Paul took up the unusual hobby about two years ago.

The pair met by chance a couple of months ago, when both happened to turn up at a Canberra primary school at the same time to search for coins.

Now they meet each fortnight to grid and explore an open space in an old area of the capital.

"You've got to try and find the old pathways that people used to walk. A lot of people walked through here over the past 100 years or so," says Paul.

"Once upon a time there might have been a hedge here that people had to walk around, so you've got to try and work these things out."

Between them, they have uncovered hundreds of coins, pins and broaches -but also plenty of trash.

"Pull-tabs, one cent and two cent pieces, and bottle tops are our worst nightmare," laughs Paul.

"Some days I end up with 50 or 60 one cent pieces in my pocket."

So far Paul's favourite discovery is an 1876 half-penny, nicknamed "hate me".

"It's old, it's pre-1900s, it's exciting."

There is a little bit of healthy competition between the pair too.

"Neil seems to find all the florins," Paul quips.

"In the last four hunts he's found four florins and I've found one. So I've labelled him the florin king and I'm the silver fox, because I tend to find all the silver coins."

And there is more to this hobby than the thrill of discovery.

"Getting outside in the fresh air, exercise, relax and get away for a while," Neil says.

The public servant also does plenty of research to track down local 'hot spots', like the site of the former village of Palmerville near the Barton Highway between Belconnen and Gungahlin.

"It used to have convict cells there, a homestead, a village, a shop -it's just a big park there now," he says.

"It was before Canberra was heard of really, the 1880s. You go out there and find old relics, iron door handles, old padlocks and bits and pieces."

For Paul, he loves returning home to sort through his haul with his seven-year-old son Oliver.

"When I get home, my son just can't wait for me to walk in the door and go 'Dad what did you find?'," he said.

"He pulls out the bag and slowly puts the coins into pre-decimals, decimals and little cool things that he wants to keep and then we've got trash like foil.

"Today I found a lead army officer lying down on the ground. It's pretty cool, and it's just been sitting there 50, 80 years -who knows."

Topics: human-interest, act, canberra-2600

First posted November 15, 2013 14:50:23

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