Monday, October 14, 2013

AIDS campaign urges Canberra students to cover it - Yahoo!7 News

Condoms are being handed out to tertiary students in Canberra as part of a new AIDS awareness campaign.

The number of HIV cases per year has doubled in the ACT in the past decade.

In response, the AIDS Action Council is running the COVER IT campaign at four Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) campuses this month.

The CIT Student Association is hosting barbecues where students can meet with AIDS Action Council staff to discuss safe-sex, and pick up a membership pack containing condoms.

"It's a fun and free way to get them talking about safe-sex and get some products in their hand," said Joanne Fricker from the AIDS Action Council.

She says awareness of the disease has dwindled over the past 20 years.

"What we're trying to do is raise the profile for HIV and AIDS and other blood-borne viruses and STIs and get people talking about them so that it raises awareness, raises education and hopefully assists people to be brave and look after their number one asset being them," she said.

Most HIV transmissions occur in the early stages, when a carrier is unaware they are HIV positive.

Ms Fricker says complacency may be setting in.

"HIV and AIDS are not necessarily the death sentence they once were. There's fantastic anti-retroviral treatments and people are accessing them much earlier," she said.

"So it's not such a huge concern at the moment, but it definitely should be."

The group wants to expand the campaign to the Australian National University, University of Canberra and Australian Defence Force Academy.

"We hope that we'll show that it's a great success and that ANU, UC, ADFA will all come on board next year and do the same thing around O-week (orientation week)," Ms Fricker said.

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