Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Finance Minister Greg Pearce faces sack after investigation into alleged ... - Herald Sun

Greg Pearce

NSW Finance and Services Minister Greg Pearce / Pic: Jeff Herbert Source: The Daily Telegraph

FINANCE Minister Greg Pearce is facing the sack after the Premier ordered an investigation into an alleged travel rort over his "private trip" to Canberra this week with flights and accommodation charged to the government.

After calling in sick to the media and the Premier's office following The Daily Telegraph's revelation on Monday that he was drunk at parliament, Mr Pearce headed to Canberra on Monday for a function organised by Liberal lobbyist Michael Photios.

But his flights and accommodation were booked by the government, sources in government confirmed. Initially, Mr Pearce attempted to pass off the trip as government business to The Daily Telegraph on Monday night, claiming he had visited the Tralee development site. But the site is a vacant paddock and the development company set to build it said they knew of no such visit.

On Tuesday night, Mr Pearce admitted he had been travelling to attend the function and said it was a "private trip" and he would be paying.

But, the same night, Premier Barry O'Farrell was informed by his office that Mr Pearce may have breached ministerial travel guidelines.

The contact came just two days after the Premier told the minister he was on his final warning after turning up drunk at parliament. After inquiries as to who paid for the flights, Mr O'Farrell said last night that he was informed by the Premier's office of a "possible breach of the ministerial travel guidelines" by Mr Pearce on Tuesday night.

He said he ordered his chief bureaucrat Chris Eccles to investigate. Mr Pearce said he had now met his travel costs.

"On Tuesday night, I was advised of a possible breach of the ministerial travel guidelines ... and determined the director-general of the Department of Premier and Cabinet should investigate it further," Mr O'Farrell said.

"On Wednesday morning my office contacted the director-general and advised him of the Premier's decision.

"The director-general will now investigate the issue upon his return from personal bereavement leave on June 11.

"Specifically he has been asked to establish the facts, determine the nature of any breach and make recommendations in relation to the guidelines. Following receipt of the report, I will discuss the matter with the minister."

On Monday night Mr Pearce's press secretary left a phone message for The Daily Telegraph which says: "I've spoken with Greg ... Greg says ... he was in Canberra today inspecting the Tralee development, down there as part of the housing acceleration program."

The next day his office advised in writing that he had visited Tralee before but claimed he had visited it again.

"The minister was on his way to Tralee when he spoke to Andrew and told him this," the statement said.

"The minister has responsibility for social housing stock and has previously visited Tralee as well as other Canberra developments."

The Daily Telegraph has also learned that Sunday night is not the first time the Premier has warned Mr Pearce about his drinking. Mr O'Farrell did not deny yesterday he had warned Mr Pearce privately about reports he had been drinking when at parliament previously.

A spokeswoman for Mr Pearce said last night: "Contrary to media reports, the minister visited Canberra in a private capacity. He was there to attend a private function, which he subsequently did not attend due to illness.

"Travel and accommodation costs have been paid for by the minister. The minister is aware of the Premier's decision to ask for an investigation, which he welcomes."

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