IF EVER there was a case for Tony Abbott to get his industrial relations policy out sooner rather than later, Dave Oliver has made it.
ACTU secretary Oliver went to Canberra on Wednesday to fire a barrage of shots against the Opposition Leader and, by the way, to lodge an ambit claim with the Gillard government.
The unions want the government to further enshrine penalty rates with legislation and to have a national scheme for portable entitlements.
Both proposals infuriate employers; they were also brushed off by a spokesman for Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten who said: ''The government believes that penalty rates and other worker entitlements are adequately protected through the existing Fair Work regime.''
But it was Abbott in Oliver's sights. A major reason why Oliver replaced Jeff Lawrence was to strengthen the unions' muscle for a scare campaign.
He had plenty of questions for Abbott, starting with a challenge to guarantee he wouldn't attack workers' pay and conditions. He wasn't reluctant to play the man.
Abbott was ''still the same man who once said that a bad boss was like a bad husband - doing more good than harm''.
The union movement is off and running. Industrial relations is a seriously hard issue for the Coalition to manage, but little is served by delaying joining the battle.
Abbott says his policy will address issues of flexibility, productivity and union militancy; it will be cautious and changes will be within the existing framework. WorkChoices has been ''cremated''. But until the flesh is put on the generalities, those running scares will have a first-mover advantage.
With Labor reeling under bad publicity, the opposition, which has indicated its IR blueprint will be out in the first half of the year, is reluctant to invite attention to itself. Delaying too long, however, can mean the right moment never comes.
If the policy is as balanced as Abbott says, he should get on the front foot.
Who knows, with all the scandal around, the main focus could remain on Labor.

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