Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Army bases to close under push to cut defence budget - Sydney Morning Herald

Pic shows graduating ceremony of Army Reserve Officers at Royal Millitary Collage Duntroon in Canberra.

Target … Defence white paper seeks to rationalise assets and move reservists. Photo: Chris Lane

DOZENS of military bases and army reserve depots face possible closure under a drive to save money amid a $5.5 billion cut to defence spending.

A leaked draft of the government's 2013 white paper - which will outline the government's defence priorities for the next decade - says Defence will stretch its shrinking budget by ''reforming and rationalising'' its extensive bases and depots.

Reserves depots thought to be in the crosshairs include Pymble, Blacktown and Rockdale, with those reservists shifting to larger bases such as Randwick, Richmond and Holsworthy.

''Australia very clearly faces a new fiscal reality in which we need to balance both fiscal and national security and ensure that Defence resources are focused on the most important priorities,'' the white paper states.

''The government believes that these actions are essential for Australia's defence capability.''

The white paper, the final version of which will be released by the Defence Minister, Stephen Smith, by June, also confirms the government's determination to strengthen and lengthen runways in northern Australia and the Cocos Islands for use by drones and other surveillance aircraft.

These are considered essential to scanning waters to the continent's north, and could be used for drones Australia is likely to buy, as well as US unmanned craft.

Military fellow at the Lowy Institute James Brown said there were sensible savings to be made by closing small and inefficient bases, but warned Defence should not ''overconsolidate''.

''It's a prudent move to critically assess where Defence needs to have its bases around the country, and it's been a long time,'' he said. ''The most important thing is that economic rationalism is not the only driver with defence estate consolidation. Defence needs to be able to stage security forces for natural disasters and events like APEC and CHOGM - just because a base doesn't have an immediate purpose doesn't mean it should be closed.''

For instance there had been ''a lot of pressure'' on Randwick base from property developers because of its value. ''Some of that property is in very attractive locations … It's serious money.''

The debate comes as the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, prepares to outline in a speech in Canberra on Wednesday the government's national security strategy for the next five years. The Coalition defence spokesman, David Johnston, said defence spending would fall to its lowest as a share of GDP since 1937.

''Selling bases will provide a band-aid solution for the Gillard government to prop up a defence budget that they have left in an unsustainable mess,'' he said. ''The Defence Minister needs to just come clean, and let the public know which bases are safe and which bases are on the hit list.''

The Australia Defence Association executive, Neil James, said it was politically difficult to close bases because they were important to local economies, particularly in regional areas.

But he blasted any plan to close reservist depots, saying people would quit if they had to travel too far to do their service. ''They're not going to drive 90 minutes … it's not like commuting to work; they're doing this on their own time,'' he said.

He said the Australian Defence Force would be keen to close Woodside base in the Adelaide Hills, Cabarlah base in Queensland and Richmond RAAF base.

A spokesman for Mr Smith said the paper was still a draft and would be subject to revision.

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