Sunday, December 2, 2012

Man on trial over alleged conspiracy - ABC Online

Updated December 03, 2012 17:10:51

A Canberra man has gone on trial for conspiracy to commit an armed robbery at a supermarket in Canberra's south in 2011.

Police arrested the 34-year-old man and his co-accused before the robbery was carried out at a Kambah supermarket.

It is alleged the pair rode to the shop on bicycles and hid a tool and a bag of clothes while they cased the area.

When the man and his co-accused went to collect balaclavas and gloves hidden near the shop, police jumped out of the bushes and arrested them.

Prosecutor Shane Drumgold has told the court the man had admitted to police he had planned to steal a cash bag from the store at closing time.

The crown case is that the man and his co-accused made an agreement to rob the store using weapons.

The man admits planning to steal cash from the supermarket, but is fighting a charge that he intended to use violence during the crime.

In a phone call the pair discussed how the accused man visited the site twice, using his binoculars to observe the area.

He told his co-accused how at closing time money is stored in bags in an unsecured box, and would be easy to steal.

His co-accused has told the jury he was planning to carry a knife while the other man had an iron bar, which was to be used to break a window.

He says the plan was that the accused would hold up the person on the counter while he kept look out.

But the man's lawyer Shane Gill has told the jury the iron bar was not intended as a weapon but rather a tool to pop a window.

He said the jury members might not like the idea the pair had planned to steal, but that did not mean any violence was planned.

Today the co-accused admitted he had been given a lighter sentence and indemnity from other charges, in exchange for giving evidence.

But he says he has not exaggerated his account of the plans for the robbery.

Topics: law-crime-and-justice, crime, courts-and-trials, act

First posted December 03, 2012 12:40:09

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