Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pokies reforms to pass parliament - Brisbane Times


A watered-down curb on problem gambling looks set to finally pass federal parliament after the pokies lobby stepped up pressure for last minute concessions to delay the compliance time frame.

The Senate is expected to pass legislation late on Thursday, requiring all pokies to be compatible with a pre-commitment system and display electronic warnings about the dangers of gambling.

Under the plan, ATM cash withdrawals will be restricted to $250 at gaming venues, apart from casinos.

The proposed measures cleared their first parliamentary hurdle in the lower house on Thursday, after the federal government was forced to accept a series of last-minute amendments from independent MPs Tony Windsor and Craig Thomson.

The changes give clubs an extra two years to install the pre-commitment technology so the first venues won't have to switch it on until 2018.

Independent MP Andrew Wilkie declared the legislation package a victory against the pokies lobby and their "$40 million campaign" despite the "regrettable" delays.

"The end state they were hoping for was to kill the bill," he told reporters in Canberra.

He said it was an historic day and set an important precedent in federal intervention on gambling.

It was ironic the legislation would pass parliament on the one year anniversary since Labor lured Liberal turncoat Peter Slipper to the speaker's chair, which diminished the importance of Mr Wilkie's vote in parliament, Mr Wilkie said.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard subsequently reneged on her deal with Mr Wilkie to roll out mandatory precommitment technology nationally by 2014.

Australian Greens MP Adam Bandt, who supported the measures, said "vultures" from the gaming industry had been lobbying federal politicians in a last-minute attempt to scuttle planned gambling reforms.

Another independent MP, Rob Oakeshott, said the measures were hardly "some socialist lefty agenda".

"I can only find one sound reason for voting against this legislation, and that is fear ... of the power and the influence of vested interests," he said.

Former Labor MP-turned independent Mr Thomson said it was a difficult balancing act protecting problem gamblers and "making sure clubs and hotels don't go broke as a result".

Clubs Australia boss Anthony Ball hailed the deadline extension for clubs.

"The extension will go a long way to ensuring the majority of clubs are able to continue operating their poker machines without being in breach of the law through no deliberate fault of their own," he said in a statement.

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