Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Historic carousel organ back in play in Canberra after 40-year restoration project - Yahoo!7 News

Bert Taylor, President of the Canberra Organ Restoration Group, at the handover of the carousel organ June 11, 2014ABC Bert Taylor, President of the Canberra Organ Restoration Group, at the handover of the carousel organ June 11, 2014

The fairground melodies of a century-old carousel organ will resonate at community events around the ACT after a 40-year project to restore the instrument to its former glory.

The Canberra Organ Restoration Group, headed by 91-year old retired engineer Bert Taylor, has been working on the instrument since 1973 when it was bought by the Federal Government for the people of Canberra.

Back then the organ was in pieces, riddled with woodworm and with pipes missing or broken.

“I think the pipes were the only thing that we could re-use,” said Mr Taylor at the ceremony to hand back the organ to the ACT Government.

“There were no books of instruction, we had to sort of work out where everything went and how to put it together.”

Shane Rattenbury, ACT Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, described the volunteer project as ‘extraordinary’.

“The level of detail, the understanding of history and the significant unique work that’s gone into it... pieces had to be handmade because they simply weren’t available,” he said. “You can’t describe the dedication well enough.”

The organ's long journey

The 69 Keyless Elite Apollo Orchestra Organ was built by the Gebrueder Brothers in Germany in 1911.

In 1914 it was shipped to Melbourne where it was incorporated into the merry-go-round, now in Canberra's city centre, that once operated on the St Kilda Esplanade.

Rowdy troops, venting their anger over German products and music, were believed to have damaged the organ’s facade during World War 1.

It fell into decay before being put into storage in 1953 when the fun fair closed, then the organ made its way to Canberra in the 70s.

In the mid-1980s the instrument was sent back to Melbourne for the installation of the drive motor and percussion instruments.

But, back in Canberra, a lack of proper facilities delayed the project.

“At times we’d get the restoration underway,” explained Mr Taylor. “And then we’d find that our work had deteriorated because of improper storage – wrong temperature, humidity – so we’d have to stop and find new premises.”

The volunteers studied other pipe and theatre organs and sought information from experts.

“We had to find out what was the ideal pressure on the bellows so we consulted organ builders,” said Mr Taylor.

The historic organ uses punch card music books similar to those used in pianolas and, though a few of the old undamaged ones can still be played, new books have been acquired to provide a range of melodies from _Roll out the Barrel_ to _The Entertainer_.

Making music again

In 2003, with the help of an ACT Heritage grant, major work was undertaken to restore the facade to its original appearance.

Working from an old photo, local craftsmen stripped and repaired the rotten golden scrollwork and recreated missing pieces.

New figurines were carved, based on traditional fairground fixtures.

For the first time in decades the organ made music in 1996 and debuted, fully restored, at Canberra's Centenary celebrations on March 11, 2013.

The long-running project was more of a 'love-hate' affair than a pure labour of love, according to Mr Taylor.

“Yes we loved doing it [but] at times we hated the baffling parts of it... but yes we’ve stuck with it,” he said with a laugh.

“[I feel] a lot of satisfaction and pride in having accomplished what seemed at times to be an impossible task,” he added. “And providing something for the Canberra community that the community owns and will have the pleasure of enjoying for many years to come.”

Mr Rattenbury said the handover marked a new stage in the already rich life of the carousel organ.

It will be housed at the Macquarie depot and made available for community events on its custom made trailer.

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