MIXED USE: Pedal Power spokesman Jeff Ibbotson with his bicycle close to some of the outdoor dining at the Kingston Foreshore. Photo: Rohan Thompson
Cycling lobby group Pedal Power has called on the ACT government to rethink bike thoroughfares at the growing Kingston Foreshore precinct.
Members have petitioned the ACT Land Development Agency and Treasurer Andrew Barr for some car parking to be removed on nearby Eastlake Parade for the creation of a dedicated two-way bike path.
Pedal Power spokesman Jeff Ibbotson said the area's waterfront pathway had become too congested with outside dining and pedestrians for cyclists to ride safely.
The situation comes after original plans for a wide promenade allowing easy access for cyclists were changed.
''The result is chaotic and it impedes the flow for people cycling around Lake Burley Griffin,'' Mr Ibbotson said.
''Nor does it make it pleasant for people trying to enjoy the cafes.''
Pedal Power members worked with planners from early in the precinct's development and lobbied for safe access for bicycles through the area to maintain Lake Burley Griffin's status as a popular half-day ride.
''Prior to the new development, there was a good cycling route along the foreshore and it was used regularly by recreational riders and commuters,'' Mr Ibbotson said. ''Our priority was to ensure continued safe and pleasant use for all.''
Members proposed a new bridge be built over the harbour mouth or a promenade wide enough for all users.
''It soon became apparent that the LDA wasn't listening to us,'' he said.
''The resulting narrow promenade is a real pinch spot for cyclists going in either direction, particularly during peak times when more people visit the cafes and restaurants."
Mr Ibbotson called on Mr Barr to intervene.
''We can stick with the status quo, which obviously is not ideal, or we could advocate for a dedicated bi-directional bike path in Eastlake Parade … which would see the removal of a number of car spaces."
Mr Barr is confident an appropriate solution could be put in place at the foreshore.
He said the Kingston Foreshore had been designed with a five-metre shared zone to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians comfortably and safely.
''Once completed this will provide the link for cyclists riding around the lake,'' he said.
''Following Pedal Power bringing this issue to the Chief Minister, the LDA has been working closely with the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate to resolve the matter.''
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