Monday, December 2, 2013

Indi's orange-clad army rolls into Canberra - ABC Local

Most people would baulk at spending a 35 degree day driving four hours on a bus to Canberra.

But on Monday 2nd December, for more than 100 locals from the north-east Victorian federal electorate of Indi, it was the symbolic journey they had to have.

Once in Canberra, the bus travellers were joined by almost 200 others to form an orange-clad army and witness new federal member Cathy McGowan's maiden speech to Parliament.

Ms McGowan defeated sitting Liberal member Sophie Mirabella in an upset at the 7th September election, although it was 10 days before a result was known.

She credited a strong, local, grassroots movement for the win, and it was these supporters who packed the buses on Monday.

Travelling on a bus from Wodonga (others came from Benalla and Wangaratta), Indi resident Eileen O'Reilly said she'd been interested, but never involved in politics before being swept up in the 2013 election.

"Every aspect has been one thrill after another," she said.

Although she'd lived in Indi for 20 years, it was a community-based 'Kitchen Table Conversation' earlier this year - where residents gathered to brainstorm local issues - that got her involved.

Young student Broede Carmody, also on the Wodonga bus, said he was "disillusioned" with politics before getting involved in Ms McGowan's 'Voice for Indi' campaign.

"I knew quite a bit about politics but never actively involved at all," he said.

Mr Carmody rejected the idea that Ms McGowan would not be able to fulfil her campaign promises - such as fixing mobile blackspots and the Melbourne to Albury train line - because she was an independent.

"I think that there's a lot that she can do, and it doesn't have to involve her voting with Labor or the government," he said.

"She can do a lot on the ground, which is what's important."

Outside Parliament House, the number and volume of Ms McGowan's supporters was enough to startle security guards, who thought the group were forming a protest.

Once inside the House of Representatives, the group was altogether more quiet, despite packing out two of the three public galleries.

The content of Ms McGowan's speech, which told of her large family, deep roots in the Indigo Valley and importance of youth and social media in her campaign, was probably familiar to most of the supporters.

It seemed more novel for the group of Labor, Coalition, Greens and independent MPs who gathered to watch in the chamber.

As the speech finished and the orange t-shirts of Ms McGowan slipped out of the chamber and back to the buses, Member for Fairfax Clive Palmer took the floor, and the maiden speeches rolled on.

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