Monday, November 4, 2013

Canberra doctor takes Medical Board to court over punishment - Yahoo!7 News

A Canberra doctor who was suspended from practicing medicine after he allegedly used an experimental treatment on a nine-year-old boy has taken the Medical Board of Australia to court.

Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Richard Hocking was banned from practising medicine earlier this year after the Medical Board ruled he had used controversial methods to treat his young patient.

A decision over the facts of that case and the matter of the suspension are currently being awaited in Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

But today Dr Hocking elevated his grievances with the Medical Board to the ACT Supreme Court with a view to having all current and future complaints dealt with by a newly constituted Board.

Lawyers for Dr Hocking argued that the Medical Board had been unfair in its dealings with him, and had both displayed a clear bias against him and failed to properly discharge their statutory functions.

The bias they claimed was exhibited over several years and ranged from the suspect nature in which the complaint first arose, to the 'manifestly excessive penalties' they placed on Dr Hocking.

A third and voluntary party in the proceedings is Dr Robert Griffin who is the head of the Medical and Dental Professional Standards Unit at The Canberra Hospital.

Dr Griffin's lawyer explained his client wished to be involved to protect his reputation because part of Dr Hocking's case is that he alleges Dr Griffin breached privacy rules by passing on the complaint about him to the Medical Board in the first place.

Dr Hocking's lawyer said that she would be asking the court to rule the complaint was protected information and therefore should never have led to the investigation and subsequent punishment.

But lawyers for the Medical Board told the court the matter with Dr Griffin was a 'fairly adventurous claim' and the accusations of bias were also 'fairly vague'.

They explained that Dr Hocking had only once raised the issue of bias with the board during the investigations and it appeared to be a case of Dr Hocking selectively looking back over years of dealings and coming to the realisation that he had been treated unfairly.

The hearing before Chief Justice Helen Murrell is scheduled to run for the remainder of this week, with several senior doctors and professors who worked with Dr Hocking at The Canberra Hospital expected to give evidence.

In an earlier decision the Supreme Court granted Dr Hocking a stay on his suspension until the matters are resolved.

He is still governed by strict conditions and is banned from any elective paediatric surgery and from using a special platelet treatment on paediatric patients.

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