Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington in the US.

Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington in the US. Photo: Reuters

A national war cemetery could be built in Canberra to commemorate the Anzac centenary in 2015.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott made the suggestion during a speech on Friday to Legacy’s national conference in Brisbane.

He said the centenary could be marked by an interpretive centre on the Western Front or a national war cemetery in Canberra.

“Australia's Arlington if you like, in which significant ex-soldiers could be interred,” he said.

The Arlington National Cemetery in the United States covers 253 ha and honours fallen service men and women.

Mr Abbott said ways to commemorate the centenary would be considered by the government.

“These are questions that I hope we might ponder and decide in the next few months so that we can ensure that we go through the four years, if you like, of the centenary of Anzac with something to remember and with a lasting legacy, so that this generation has appropriately honoured the sacrifice, the service, the achievements of our mighty forebears,” he said.