Monday, September 23, 2013

Canberra security guards demand more pay - Yahoo!7 News

Canberra security guards have lodged a claim with the Fair Work Commission to significantly increase their pay.

The union representing security guards, United Voice, wants the commission to determine an industry-wide collective pay agreement, saying guard wages are at poverty levels.

ACT security guards are only the third group of workers in Australia to file a low-paid authorisation to the commission.

Security officer Dave Shannon says guards are struggling to live on low basic wages.

"Our wages range from $18.23 per hour to $19.89 per hour at the top level," he said.

"This equates to $693 per week up to $756."

Mr Shannon says guards often work a lot of overtime to supplement their hourly rate.

"There's a low retention rate in the security industry because people realise that they've got to work a lot of hours for not much pay and that the hours are not very kind at times," he said.

"Because of that they think well maybe I can do better elsewhere and they're always actively looking for other work, and that creates problems for the companies themselves.

"To achieve a living wage, you have to work a fair amount of overtime to get to comparable rates in any other industry. That then creates less quality time at home."

United Voice ACT branch secretary Lyndal Ryan says security guards receive about half the average wage in the ACT.

"It is disgraceful that such low wages are paid in the ACT where at $1,702 per week the average wage is the highest in Australia and the cost of living is the second highest in the country," she said.

"After rent guards have very little left over for the necessities of life for their families.

"How many people would put their lives on the line every day for such low pay?"

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