Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pressure on Canberra over GrainCorp sites - The Land Newspaper

THE nation's biggest wheat farmer, Ron Greentree, plans to lobby politicians to ensure US commodities giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) is forced to keep GrainCorp's extensive storage and port assets open to rival traders if it succeeds in its $3 billion takeover of eastern Australia's largest grains handler.

Mr Greentree, a former GrainCorp chairman, and other growers in eastern Australia are concerned the US group could move to "close" its 280 storage sites to third-party marketers.

GrainCorp also controls seven of eastern Australia's eight grain export terminals, which must be opened up to third parties under arrangements enforced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

"I want to make sure that all the [storage] sites are open so anyone can buy from them," Mr Greentree told The Australian Financial Review on Sunday.

"I'll be ringing a few politicians to make sure that happens. I want to make sure one of the criteria that FIRB and the ACCC signs off is making sure it's a public swimming pool. Once you've paid your entrance fee, you are in."

ADM, the world's largest corn processor, must secure approvals from regulators across the globe including the ACCC and the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) if, as expected, it puts a formal offer to shareholders on Thursday following the conclusion of due diligence.

Industry executives and analysts do not expect the ACCC or FIRB to block the deal because ADM does not own similar assets in Australia and would not lessen competition.

But one senior industry executive said ACCC was likely to look closely at the ports business, especially in Queensland where GrainCorp owns two of the three grain export terminals. The third is controlled by Gavilon and Wilmar.

ADM owns 16 per cent of Wilmar and the two companies operate a global partnership covering fertilisers and ocean freight.

"Potentially some people may jump up and down and suggest there could be a lessening of competition [in Queensland]," the executive said.

Moree farmer Oscar Pearse said he wanted to know if ADM would keep its sites "open" and was concerned some sites may be shut as it sought to generate efficiencies.

However, he hoped ADM could use its financial muscle and industry experience to improve capacity at ports and invest in rail infrastructure.

"Maybe they will take a bigger punt [with infrastructure investment]," Mr Pearse said. "There may be some upside."

Under rules governing the nation's bulk grain handlers, the ACCC requires GrainCorp to open up their substantial port infrastructure to third parties, unlike the US where most traders operate on a "closed loop".

It is not forced to open up storage sites but one industry executive said GrainCorp would face a hit to revenue if it didn't because it would force traders to build rival storage assets.

The ACCC, which will hold a public review if the deal proceeds, administers wheat export arrangements after the abolition of the regulatory body Wheat Exports Australia.

Mr Greentree said while it was disappointing Australia would not have a large multinational grain trader of its own, he was ultimately supportive of ADM's bid.

He said it was better for growers to have a new entrant own GrainCorp rather than the business falling to other global trading giants such as Cargill and Glencore, which have substantial assets in Australia.

"It's unfortunate that there is not a big Australian trader but we were never big enough," Mr Greentree said.

"We deregulated too late and didn't get a chance to build up."

GrainCorp chairman Don Taylor said growers would benefit by becoming part of ADM's global network.

Grain customers are increasingly demanding consistent supply. GrainCorp has been under pressure to expand globally so it can source grain from competing regions to offset the impact of dry conditions on Australia's crop output.

"The bigger the footprint the more opportunities and better able you are to service your customers worldwide," Mr Taylor said.

"It's around contestability in the market place. The better that market place is informed the better chance the growers will get the full price every day."

Analysts and agricultural industry executives say a rival bid is unlikely to emerge to scuttle ADM.

The Financial Review has learned GrainCorp has already attempted to flush out a higher offer from global traders including Sumitomo, Marubeni and Louis Dreyfus and Canada's largest privately owned agribusiness Richardson.

It's understood the company held discussions following ADM's second sweetened offer for $12.20 a share in December.

Sumitomo preferred an equity stake while the timing was not right for Marubeni or Richardson.

GrainCorp agreed to a third improved $13.20 per share offer on Friday, which includes a $1 dividend paid from GrainCorp's retained earnings.

"Given ADM's 19.9 per cent blocking stake and $13.20 offer, we see the risk of a higher offer from another bidder as low," Commonwealth Bank analyst Jordan Rogers said in a note to clients.

"If the bid is not approved by shareholders, we view the downside risk to GrainCorp's share price as significant, and this would be exaggerated if Australia enters an east-coast drought in the next two years."

ADM, which is being advised by Barclays, has declined requests for interviews while it focuses on its due diligence ahead of making a formal bid on Thursday.

It is understood ADM's executives visited Moree and Parkes over the weekend and plan to inspect GrainCorp's facilities in Geelong and Port Kembla.

- with Tim Binsted

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