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Cabinet clean-up

A revealing day in Canberra, as three cabinet ministers resign following failed Gillard/Rudd spill. Tim Lester decodes the events with members of the Canberra Press Gallery.

Federal Labor has now expressed an unmistakeable preference. It is prepared to lose government for the next three years or more, as long as it can retain its comfortable internal arrangements for the next six months.

It is a stunning choice for a political movement to make. The Liberal leadership can barely believe its luck.

The Gillard government will no longer have the excuse that it is losing in the polls only because of Kevin Rudd's destabilisation.

<em> Illustration:Rocco</em>

Illustration: Rocco Fazzari

This is exactly the explanation Julia Gillard gave Simon Crean this week when they discussed Labor's standing.

The Prime Minister told her cabinet minister her government was in difficulty in the polls because it was suffering leaking, destabilisation and treachery at the hands of Rudd and his henchmen.

Crean replied: "I understand what that's like, I went through that myself" when he was Labor leader from 2001 to 2003. "But I'm saying to you as honestly and bluntly as possible that you can't consistently, for this long, be on 31 or 32 per cent just because of destabilisation.

"I was never that low. You have to look at your own performance."

He was referring to Labor's share of the primary vote. Labor failed to win the last election with a primary vote of 38 per cent. It has been consistently below this level for the entire 2½-year term since, meaning that it is in line to lose decisively at the September 14 election.

And the party's national secretary George Wright told Labor's national executive this week that it was planning its campaign on the assumption it would win 32 per cent of the primary vote - meaning it fully expects to suffer an election wipe-out of historic proportions.

Is Labor willing to take Crean's advice and look at its own performance? That was the opportunity he wanted to present it this week. And he did. Labor declined to take it. It decided its priority was not winning and holding power.

What are its priorities? There are three that we can read into its collective choice this week. First is to indulge a deep personal dislike of Rudd. Second is to preserve the present working conditions of the dominant section of the Gillard ministry and caucus. Third is to hold close the trade unions and their interests. These were the dominant factors in the vote, the demonstrated priorities of the government.

Would the outcome have been different if the Rudd group's tactics had been better handled?

It was, after all, a comedy of errors, a miasma of misunderstandings, or, to use a favourite Rudd expression for the description of a multi-faceted, multi-person mess, a "clusterf--k".

The decision to push for a Rudd restoration this week was galvanised by Monday's Fairfax Nielsen poll, which found Labor's primary vote to be at 31 per cent.

Or, as the pollster, Nielsen's John Stirton, summed up the result: "Labor's vote has stabilised at levels that would see the government defeated in 1975 landslide proportions."

Rudd and Crean, long a Gillard supporter, opened a discussion about what to do. Crean had believed, until the end of last year, that Gillard could still recover to lead the party to victory. But his optimism withered as the evidence mounted. Labor was entrenched in a losing position, and Gillard's most energetic campaigning was unable to make a difference.

Rudd himself was not driving the effort to unseat Gillard. He was anxious to preserve the appearance of keeping his pledge not to challenge Gillard again. He was also curiously philosophical about the outcome, reconciled to the prospect that it could come to naught, content with his record as prime minister.

But Rudd did permit and authorise the bid, and sat back while an inner group of lieutenants organised it. The core group comprised Minister for Tertiary Education Chris Bowen, chief government whip Joel Fitzgibbon, Minister for Human Services Kim Carr, and from outside the parliamentary wing, the general secretary of the NSW branch of Labor Sam Dastyari. Less active, yet important, were Minister for Transport and leader of the government in the House Anthony Albanese and Minister for Resources Martin Ferguson.

"They wanted from me the status and authority to tap her" on the shoulder, Crean says, "and to bring some numbers" in support of a leadership ballot.

What did Crean want? As he told caucus colleagues, his priority was not to help Rudd but to provide a "circuit-breaker" to get Labor out of its electoral death wish.

Did he want the deputy leadership? Yes, he did. But, contrary to the widespread impression that he was on a joint leadership ticket with Rudd, there was no such deal.

In Crean's conversations with Rudd, the former prime minister said he could not accept Crean because he was committed to having Albanese as his deputy. Why? Because Albanese could bring with him solid working relationships with the independent MPs who kept Labor in power, and because he carried some caucus votes with him in a ballot.

Crean countered that he brought with him the legacy of the Hawke-Keating government, that he was a person of standing in the party and a man of courage. On this point, he was about to leave no one in doubt.

But Rudd was immovable, so Crean accepted that he would take the risk of running for the deputy leader's job on an open caucus ballot rather than on Rudd's ticket.

Some in Rudd's inner circle, however, did their best to assure Crean they would attempt to sway their colleagues to vote for him. A factional divide was on display here. Crean is a member of the Labor Right; the Right's Dastyari and Bowen preferred Crean as deputy to the Left's Albanese, and told him so.

So Crean was certainly involved in plotting to topple Gillard, but he was never in close cahoots with Rudd and remained independent-minded and, to the frustration of Rudd's crew, aloof.

Indeed, at one point the Rudd group feared that Crean, a longtime friend of Gillard's, was actually operating as a covert Gillard agent. Why? Because when Crean called on Gillard in her office for a protracted meeting on Wednesday night, he did not tell the Ruddites. They found out indirectly. And when asked about it, Crean did not tell them what he had discussed with her. Was Crean being sent to blow up the Rudd bid?

The suspicion intensified when Crean failed to deliver any caucus votes to the Rudd tally. This failure was central to the bungled bid and to the extraordinary disarray of the week.

In a meeting with Bowen and Fitzgibbon, Crean offered to help build Rudd's majority. Told they had 45 votes and needed six more, he asked to see their lists of names. He identified 10 and said he had some influence with these MPs.

"That's all very well, but we can't do it with a wing and a prayer," Fitzgibbon replied. "I need them to come and see me and look me in the eye and pledge their vote for Kevin."

Crean saw a problem: "They won't come to you because they know where it'll end up," meaning Fitzgibbon would leak to the media. He agreed to do what was possible.

But in the event, it turned out that, while the Rudd team credits Crean with shoring up a couple of wavering votes, Crean was unable to deliver any votes other than his own. The Rudd list remained short of a majority.

This failure was compounded by serious mis-communication.

As Rudd said in his press conference on Friday, he was surprised when Crean went public at 1pm on Thursday, announcing he had tapped Gillard and called for a leadership spill. This moment was widely described as "pushing the button".

Rudd said Crean had "spontaneously combusted". Others in the Rudd group have claimed variously that Crean "went rogue" and was "unauthorised" in pushing the button. But Crean hotly disputes this.

In a phone call on Thursday morning, Bowen told Crean that a leadership spill had to happen by the end of the week or it would not happen at all. Parliament was about to break for six weeks and return for the federal budget.

Crean said to Bowen: "The judgment you've made, does everyone in your tactics group agree with it?" Bowen answered "yes". So Crean thought it was a clear demand that he act immediately. He did.

But what of the fact that the bid did not yet have a majority? "I assumed they knew what they were doing," is Crean's exasperated answer.

Others in the Rudd inner circle say they knew nothing of this exchange.

The final and fatal misunderstanding between Rudd and Crean was that Crean expected Rudd to stand. "At no stage did they say to me that Rudd wouldn't run if he didn't have the numbers."

When Bowen and Crean spoke by phone on Thursday afternoon after Gillard had agreed to a 4.30pm spill, Bowen said they would have to see whether Rudd would be standing in the ballot.

"You have to be kidding!" cried Crean. And when Rudd phoned shortly before the meeting to say he would not be a candidate, Crean's rejoinder was: "You can't do that."

Rudd had always told his team he would accept the leadership only if there were a big majority for him. He assumed Crean knew this. Crean did, but assumed that at the vital moment, when so many had taken such risks for Rudd, their man would stand in any case. He was wrong.

Rudd said on Friday he would not have got a majority. Crean, Bowen and other numbers men agree that even if they had not fouled their communications so badly, a majority would have been impossible anyway.

When Rudd entered the caucus meeting, he held out his hand to Crean. "You should have run," Crean said as he shook it. "We'll talk about it later." There is not much to talk about now.

Peter Hartcher is the Sydney Morning Herald's political editor.

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