Thursday, March 21, 2013

when West pulls out, wild west rides in - Sydney Morning Herald

'The victory thing is missing. Somebody got there before us.'

'The victory thing is missing. Somebody got there before us.'

Remember the magic in the movie Ocean's 12? The George Clooney character Danny Ocean asks: ''How did you get past the laser field in the great hall?'' And Francois Toulour, played by Vincent Cassel, replies nonchalantly: ''A-ha, the laser fields. Well …''

Then comes a Soderberg sensation, all ballet and gym as the super-cool, silky smooth cat-burglar Toulour slips, slides and shimmies through an impossible maze of security laser beams, on his way to stealing the priceless Faberge egg from a grand Italian museum.

There'll be no such ''A-ha'' moment in the aftermath of the great Afghanistan adventure - not John to George W, and certainly not Julia to Barack. Which is not to say that there have not been tripwires aplenty - it's just that it has become rude to talk about them.

But spend time in Kabul city, wander Australia's adopted patch in Afghanistan, Oruzgan, and sentiments collide: bitterness over what might have been, and rising anxiety as the US-led coalition's retreat gets under way.

The objective always was murky and the required commitment was never there. The US was bailing men and resources from Afghanistan for a war of choice in Iraq just months after it landed. The US did send al-Qaeda packing, so early in the piece that the past 10 years have been about exterminating a part of the Afghan body politic that has fought by the classic rule of an insurgency - the Taliban and the rest did not have to win, to win; they merely had to not lose.

The parliament is a joke. Come next year's presidential elections, fraud will be worse than at previous polls as Hamid Karzai's cronies rig the game for the kleptocrats to win.

By conservative estimates, the US has squandered about $100 billion in Afghanistan - most recently in its decision to walk away from the $266 million upgrade of the Kajaki hydro electric scheme in Kandahar province, on which 50 American troops died.

Defence analyst Steven Metz makes two points on the counter-insurgency failure. One, people tend to have greater affinity with the insurgents than with the foreign troops that drop from the sky to fight them - they'll stick with whichever side will give them least grief. Two, a parasitic outfit such as the Karzai cabal makes only minimum concessions, never relinquishing control of funds and resources because its objective is to hold power and to keep the war going for as long as possible, so that it can take even greater dollops of money from the foreign aid honeypot.

Don't expect Kabul to cave in overnight. But falling real estate prices indicate that the moneyed are voting with their feet; similarly the bales of US cash, billions of dollars being shipped through Kabul International Airport.

There'll be early testing in the provinces - insurgents, warlords, strongmen and tribal elders against each other or in combination as dictated by local circumstances. They'll raise funds with sham highway tolls and protection rackets.

But, you say, we're being told that the Afghans can take care of their own security. Yes, but … The much-vaunted Afghan National Army is not all it's cracked up to be. In Oruzgan, I was told several times of the side deals it does with the Taliban; the ANA agrees to lie low in return for the Taliban not attacking its bases.

And anyway, these guys don't hang around. In the 12 months to last September, the ANA lost 27 per cent of its ranks to attrition, and at the end of basic training, just 7 per cent wanted to hang in for a soldier's life. And when the warlords need reinforcements, watch as loyalty to Kabul dissolves and they get called home to circle the wagons locally - armed and trained at your expense, dear reader.

The choices seem to boil down to what writer Ann Jones bills as the three Cs.

Compromise: A power-sharing deal with the Taliban. But several sources tell me that the northern Tajiks and Uzbeks say they are armed and ready to fight any such deal. And the Pashtun south worries, too, about a non-Pashtun being shoehorned into power.

Conflict: All-out war against the insurgents. This risks a rerun of the atrocities of the early 1990s, as the warlords carved up territory - and each other.

Collapse: The country simply falls to pieces. Those who can leave are are already canvassing their options.

Will Canberra formally investigate its role in all this? Might the Australian cog in the global machine examine its conduct abroad? Probably not, because there'll always be the other guys to blame: the Americans, the Dutch, the poor little Slovaks and Singaporeans - how the hell did they get dragged to Oruzgan?

''It wasn't us,'' an Australian official counters when I ask about the empowerment of the Oruzgan's unelected strongman and police chief Matiullah Khan, who has positioned himself for total control of Oruzgan when the foreigners are gone. ''The Americans were mentoring him.''

The war gave us a cool, Hollywood-esque argot. Remember General Stanley McChrystal's ''government in a box''? And how CO-IN slipped so easily into conversation; not as cumbersome as ''counterinsurgency'', was it?

But the victory thing is missing. Somebody got there before us, and they've run off with Afghanistan's Faberge egg. And yes, it too was priceless …

Paul McGeough is chief correspondent of The Age.

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