Sunday, March 24, 2013

WA MP Gary Gray appointed Resources Minister - ABC Online

Updated March 25, 2013 12:52:37

WA's Federal Member for Brand, Gary Gray, has been appointed to the federal cabinet in a reshuffle announced by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard.

Mr Gray is now the Minister for Resources and Energy, Tourism and Small Business.

The reshuffle was necessary after an internal leadership spill which led to four ministers being stood down.

Ms Gillard says Mr Gray has been a tireless advocate for business in his own community and in Western Australia.

She says he will bring that purpose to promoting the interests of the tourism sector and small business.

Mr Gray formerly worked for oil and gas company, Woodside.

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy's Nicole Rooke says having a Resources Minister from WA makes sense as the state's resources account for over half of Australia's mining sector.

She says Mr Gray, who used to work for oil and gas company Woodside, will bring a wide skill set to the role.

"He has a really comprehensive understanding of the issues that exist in this state, the issues that impact on the resources sector," he said.

"He has specifically worked in the industry before so that gives him firsthand knowledge of how government policy will impact on the sector."

Ms Rooke says Mr Gray will be able to go to bat for the state.

"Our challenge has been to ensure federal politicians and federal bureaucrats understand the impact of their decision on Western Australia so to have Gary take that leadership role will mean we have a champion in Canberra," she said.

In other developments, Anthony Albanese becomes the Minister for Regional Development and Local Government.

The Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research will be taken by Craig Emerson.

As part of today's changes, the Department of Climate Change will be merged with the Industry Department and will become the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.

Jason Clare joins Cabinet as a full member while retaining his current responsibilities.

Topics: political-parties, perth-6000

First posted March 25, 2013 12:13:10

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