Sunday, March 24, 2013

PM in snake pit with no antivenom - Sydney Morning Herald



At 6.02 pm last Wednesday I received a text sent from Parliament House in Canberra. It said: ''I'm hearing Labor has been asked to stay in Canberra on Friday. Crean to challenge as a stalking horse to facilitate a change to Rudd. Apparently this is solid.''

It was solid enough. Note the timing. On Friday, Kevin Rudd claimed he was shocked by Simon Crean's ''spontaneous combustion'' on Thursday. How is it that I can be told on Wednesday that Crean is going to call for a spill yet Rudd can claim that he was shocked by the turn of events? Crean could not possibly have acted without Rudd giving him the green light, directly or indirectly. Crean was also clearly misinformed about the level of support for Rudd. He should have known better.

The text message, in its timing, provides yet more evidence that Rudd cannot be trusted and it is time for the electorate to stop treating him as a prime ministerial option. There are compelling reasons why the majority of his colleagues don't want him back.

What perfect theatre for the Year of the Snake which, according to the Chinese Zodiac, began on February 10. The snakes took a dominant role in politics, surrounding the Prime Minister from within her own party. While Crean warned his leader he would make a move (sparked by another brace of policy fiascos and unrelentingly poor polling), several prominent Labor figures were spectacularly snaky, led by former Labor senator and powerbroker Graham Richardson.

On Wednesday he was saying, on the record - clearly as part of a destabilising process to panic the Labor caucus - that Rudd had 49 votes, Julia Gillard 44 and nine were in the balance. The reality was that Gillard never had less than the support of 58 of the 102 members of the federal Labor caucus, leaving Rudd with 44, give or take a vote or two. Which is why she called a vote as soon as possible.

One has to question the ethical cynicism of The Australian newspaper, and its long-time editor-in-chief, Chris Mitchell, in continuing to employ Richardson given that, for 33 years, ever since his appearance before the Wood royal commission in 1980, he has had multiple cameos in stories involving skulduggery.

The ''Richo'' highlight reel includes appearances in the Offset Alpine scandal, the Rene Rivkin scandal, the cash-for-comment scandal, his own resignation scandal, the Ron Medich scandal and the Eddie Obeid scandal, among others. Now comes his dodgy numbers in the botched power-play in Canberra.

The leader of the government in the House, Anthony Albanese, has had a difficult week. He is the most venomous speaker in the Parliament, the most aggressive in defending the leader and the government, yet everyone knows that when Labor last voted on the leadership Albanese voted for Rudd, and Rudd remains his preferred prime minister.

The leader of the government in the Senate, Stephen Conroy, had an even more difficult week. He brought on the crisis with his absurdly maladroit attempt to ram through media controls, a blunder which merely compounded his budget-blowing carriage of the national broadband network, which is now going to cost about $50 billion, more than 10 times the original $4.7 billion project envisaged in 2008 with completion this year.

Policy and reality have never been such strangers. When Gillard announces a reconfigured cabinet on Monday, as a result of the retribution and resignations from last week's aborted coup, Conroy, the unwitting and witless catalyst, should be sacked or demoted, but he can't be. He is a leader of the Victorian Right faction which keeps Gillard in power.

Then there is Mark ''Anger Management'' Latham. His contribution to the health of the Labor brand has been a stream of abuse about the party that once made him its leader, even though most of the time he is right. On Thursday morning he told Paul Murray on 2UE: ''Richardson, more than any other person, has wrecked the modern culture of the Labor Party. Why is Richardson supporting Rudd? … Because Gillard won't listen to him … Why don't people listen to Graham Richardson? … He's the man that walked up to Eddie Obeid once and said: 'Here, on this platter for you, I've got a seat in the NSW upper house' … I've had a gutful of the bloke who was a paid lobbyist for Ron Medich, who got into scandals about Swiss bank accounts … He's the bloke who wrecked the place and he walks around like he's got clean hands like Mother Teresa, knows all the numbers. All he knows how to do is put people like Obeid in Parliament … Let's not get sidetracked into the dregs of the labour movement, people like [Joel] Fitzgibbon and Richardson …''

Contrast the febrile instability caused by former Labor leaders Rudd, Latham and now Crean, with the restraint about Liberal matters from former Liberal heavyweights John Howard, Brendan Nelson and Peter Costello. The contrast is stark.

The only mouth-for-rent among former Liberal leaders is the least qualified, John Hewson, who has no throw-weight within the party and whose business career, post politics, has been a journey to obscurity. That he is unqualified to talk about winning elections does not stop the ABC from trotting Hewson out at every opportunity because he reliably patronises the Liberals.

As for the public's response to all this, the first quantifiable hint was an instant Galaxy poll published on Sunday which saw Labor's share of the primary vote remain steady at 32 per cent, because a third of the electorate will never vote conservative, but also found that 60 per cent of respondents view Gillard as ''a lame duck leader''.

It will be fascinating to see what the major polls say about this snake-bitten government.

Twitter: @Paul_Sheehan_

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