Wednesday, March 20, 2013

PM, beware: Carr doing what he does best - looking after No. 1 - Sydney Morning Herald


<em>Illustration: John Shakespeare</em>

Illustration: John Shakespeare

We NSW voters laughed a big, long belly laugh when Julia Gillard ''hand-picked'' Bob Carr to help her out (''Ministers turn on PM'', March 19). Bob Carr presided over a party that ran state infrastructure into the ground and allowed Obeid Inc. to flourish. Then he leapt gracefully and worryingly quickly into a lucrative banking ''consultancy''. It is absolutely no wonder Bob Carr has turned on Gillard now that she does nothing for him politically. Someone from NSW should have advised Gillard that Carr only looks after Carr.

Emma Sloan Lane Cove

I can't take much more of this. I refer to the constant attacks on the Prime Minister. So she's putting her own ''selfish ambition'' above the country and the ALP's wellbeing, thereby condemning Australia to a government led by Mr Abbott (Letters, March 19)? Oh, please. If ever there were a case of ''damned if you do, damned if you don't'', this is it. If Gillard steps down, or is pushed, the ALP will look sillier and more indecisive than ever. Apparently the weasels are getting ready to bite …

Anne Roberts Leichhardt

I opened my Herald on Tuesday to the headline ''Ministers turn on PM''. Simultaneously I was watching Bob Carr on ABC TV flatly denying the Herald story and saying it was not checked for accuracy. Someone has to be wrong.

Is it any wonder people are confused about the media's role in the destabilisation of the Gillard government?

Is it any surprise fair-minded people wish to see excesses like those perpetrated daily by News Ltd curbed? The British example shows it is possible despite all the frothing here about ''freedom''.

Following the phone hacking scandal a compromise deal has been struck there by the three main political parties to maintain press freedom but protect press intrusion victims like the family of the murdered Milly Dowler.

The persistence of negative polling for federal Labor might suggest it is dead, but many will feel that is partly a result of a media miasma enveloping the Gillard government which will leave millions who want progressive policies on issues like climate change, education and social welfare facing the prospect of a retrogressive and divisive Tony Abbott.

Ron Sinclair Bathurst

I read with concern that Senator Carr is lending his support to the Prime Minister. I recommend he gets it back as soon as possible and wears it whenever performing vigorous exercise or lifting heavy weights.

Chris Bell Forster

There was a raft of articles in Tuesday's Herald about a challenge to Julia Gillard's leadership. It was impossible to tell whether they were accurate. It may be that soon we will have a new prime minister, but we have been told that almost constantly since the 2010 election. The media does itself no favours with its endless speculation on the subject. It clouds rather than illuminates.

A 24-hour media cycle may give the illusion that we need to know everything all the time and before it happens. But sometimes it is better to acknowledge that we don't know things and that they are impossible to predict when they are based on winks and nods. It is OK to not predict something. In fact, that is better than endlessly, mindlessly crying wolf (or Kevin, or whoever).

Robert Crofts Braddon (ACT)

It seems most unlikely Labor can win the federal election now, whoever leads. However, it also seems clear that if Kevin Rudd were leader again rather than Julia Gillard, fewer seats would be lost.

This would not be mere expediency. Ms Gillard is simply incapable of conveying a coherent or persuasive message and is an inept tactician.

Tony Ireland Beecroft

Don Smith says Julia Gillard should follow Israel Folau's advice (Letters, March 19). Does that mean she will jump ship and join the Liberals?

Chris Gilchrist Tuross Head

Media must be held to reasonable, uniform standards

I have watched and listened with interest to the latest responses to federal Minister Stephen Conroy's proposed media reform bill and have come to the conclusion that the ''no'' campaign, ironically, proves the point the media laws do need reforming.

The negativity, vitriol and gross generalisations that I have seen and heard out of the mouths of Australian media figures is downright disturbing.

What is the media actually protesting about? Is it really about freedom of the press as many in the media are asserting? Or is it about protecting media turf and the power and influence of the two major media players in Australia? Nothing I have read in Mr Conroy's bill remotely suggests that free press is in the government's cross-hairs. Could the Australian media and the associated media laws use some reforming? Yes, in no uncertain terms.

The sad thing for me is that over the past five years I have become increasingly cynical to the point where I no longer believe in the truth and integrity of the Australian media. I now ask myself these routine questions: "Is this story that I am reading [or hearing] even true?" and "What is the agenda or slant of the journalist here?" and "What really happened here?" I want the Australian media to be held to a set of reasonable and uniform standards and to be held to a corresponding set of consequences if it transgresses.

I will be disappointed if Mr Conroy's bill is defeated, but my hope would be for a further revisiting of the key issues that have been raised because truth and integrity in the public forum are too important to be ignored. Let me quote an ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes: "I am just looking for an honest man …''

Rod Bailey Wodonga (VIC)

For all Greenacres, the answer is unity

I feel great sympathy with Peter Roberts over his grief and frustration at what his suburb, Greenacre, seems to have become, but really hope he doesn't give up on tolerance (''What happened to the suburb I used to know?'', March 19). This great quality doesn't equate with appeasement.

In fact, it seems absolutely right that in 21st-century Australia we should be speaking out far more confidently against all forms of ''everyday'' violence (including bullying, intimidation, domestic violence, child abuse and homophobia) - whoever is exhibiting them. Nor should we tolerate or resign ourselves to any ''cultural'' excuses for those toxic behaviours. But in 21st-century life, this is a community challenge as much as a cultural one. It surely calls for increasing integration as well as education - at every level.

In all of our many cultures, including those most troubled, there are outstanding individuals more than capable of speaking up for values that would lift us all. We need to hear much more of their voices.

Reverend Dr Stephanie Dowrick Balmain

Peter Roberts attempts to legitimise his distaste for Australia's multicultural composition by clothing it in nostalgia. His concerns may be better argued if he were to concentrate more on the complex factors contributing to urban violence rather than pining for a past that existed only in the mind of a child.

Judith Reynolds Cowra

I wasn't sure I had bought the right newspaper this morning after reading Peter Roberts' trashing of Lakemba and Greenacre, describing them as enclaves of little Lebanon. While he grew up there during the 1960s but is now living in Sydney's north, I was in Lakemba on the weekend and lived there for a couple of years till 18 months ago.

His description of this suburb is way out of wack with reality, the Lebanese and their shops have mostly moved on, replaced by a mixture of Bangladeshi and Pakistani stores. Lakemba has a wide mixture of different nationalities living peacefully, my neighbours were Filipinos and Colombians

on either side and Africans opposite us.

Roberts stooped low in associating the area with a rape; rape is not exclusive to Greenacre. The northern beaches were well known for abductions and rapes during the 1970s that are still unsolved.

Con Vaitsas Ashbury

Cyprus solution puzzles

Presumably the banks in Cyprus that are being raided to bail out the country's economy are privately owned (''Cyprus vote looms as spotlight falls on shady reputation'', March 19). How is it then the banks' customers are having to surrender their hard-won money to bail out the country's economy, and not the executives and owners of the banks? If money in bank accounts can be legally appropriated, as seems to be happening in Cyprus, then this would seem to be an unfortunate precedent. I can't imagine this banking innovation won't be repeated elsewhere.

And I can't imagine it working in reverse either, with bank customers getting unexpected bonuses when the economy is going well. Though logically, why not? I guess it must have something to do with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, entropy, the heat death of the universe and all that.

Geoff Gordon Cronulla

Penalties come at a cost

Fair Work Australia has knocked back employers' calls for lower penalty rates (''Employers fail in bid to slash penalty rates for retail, fast food sectors'', March 19). By cementing internationally high penalty rates into law, any desire for small business to enter into bargaining with employees is eliminated. Instead of initiatives that offer growth to a business and job security for employees, we are imposing a rigid set of rules that will force small businesses to cut their operations to suit.

Genevieve George Point Piper

Killing them softly

We used to steal children from their parents against their will, and jailed people for intervening, because politicians and churches thought it was right. Now we don't.

Now we stretch out people's death against their will, and jail people for intervening, because politicians and churches think it's right (Letters, March 19). One day it will be time for a sorry speech.

Peter Pitt Potts Point

Francis opens curtains

The general public may still not fully appreciate the relief brought to many Catholics by the new Pope. A few weeks ago at Sydney's St Mary's Cathedral a large part of the Mass was conducted by the priest facing away from the congregation, a profoundly alienating throwback to before the Second Vatican Council.

That important conference promoted the liberating idea that priests and laity should instead face each other around the ''table'' as equals. Such reversions were becoming common practice under Benedict XVI.

From the moment Pope Francis asked the lay people of the world to bless him before he blessed them, the sun broke free of the clouds and blue skies returned.

Peter Fleming Ryde

Labor's also got form

Mark Daley (Letters, March 19) refers to "the Liberal Party's natural constituents, big business". I'm sure that NSW Labor wunderkind Eddie Obeid would give any big businessman a very decent run for his money.

There may be some ''funny'' business involved, but you certainly can't call it ''small''.

William Lloyd Denistone

He walked the talk

I can reassure Cora Moore (Letters, March 18) that I took part in the reconciliation walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge in 2000. I can also reassure her that trips to remote indigenous communities will continue to be part of my annual routine should I become prime minister.

Tony Abbott Canberra (ACT)

Mickey Arthur report card: Must try harder

Well, that worked well (''India clinch series'', March 19). I await Mickey Arthur's next move. More homework? No playlunch?

Les Tomlinson Berowra Heights

Pat Howard now describes the walk-out by Shane Watson as ''compassionate leave'' (''All forgiven as Watson could fill in for Clarke'', March 19). To attempt to put a spin on this situation is silly and only demonstrates a management team that is unsure if it is really making the right decisions in the first place.

Patrick Hennessy Dee Why

Free will allows evil

Paul Stephen would make God responsible for the deaths of 1.7 million Cambodians in the reign of terror by the Khmer Rouge (Letters, March 19). But why should God be held responsible for what God forbids: the taking of innocent life? Either human freedom is real with real consequences for real people, or freedom is a sham. If it is real, God cannot be held responsible when people misuse that freedom to do great evil. That's called passing the buck.

Professor Neil Ormerod Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, Australian Catholic University, Strathfield

Music to treasure

Was that Wayne Swan going off down the front at the Bruce Springsteen concert, emulating The Boss with an air guitar solo (''Born to rule: a reinvented rock icon shows who's boss'', March 19)?

John Swanton Botany

Conroy wears gloves

Senator Conroy is simply following in the footsteps of Winston Churchill who was famously rebuked for not washing his hands (Letters, March 19). An old Etonian was said to have remarked: "At Eton they taught us to wash our hands after using the lavatory.'' Churchill contemptuously replied: ''At Harrow they taught us not to piss on our hands.'' Like Churchill, Conroy is a fighter not a lover.

Simon Cobcroft Lyneham (ACT)

Perchance to drool

Could the ICAC please ask Macca to describe what the roast suckling pig at Catalina tasted like (''Third inquiry set to look at business with mates'', March 19)? Lots of us will never experience such a delicacy, especially with a very expensive pinot noir. The very least he owes us is the vicarious pleasure of sharing his table.

Peter Skinner Beecroft

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