Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Plan to open up Cape York 'grabbing at the sky' - Sydney Morning Herald

Traditional owners say the Queensland government is ‘‘grabbing at the sky’’ with its push to open Cape York to more farming.

The state government announced a plan on Wednesday to relax land-clearing laws to support the development of high-value agricultural areas across Queensland, including on the cape.

The amendments will soon be introduced to state parliament.

Farmers and canegrowers back the changes, but say the government must also cut power and water prices if it wants to boost production.

Former Cape York Land Council chairman Michael Ross warns that most of Cape York isn’t suitable for farming.

‘‘They’re really grabbing at the sky, aren’t they?’’ he told AAP.

‘‘The cape’s a very strange place. The minute you clear land you’ve got all sorts of problems with erosion, weeds and regrowth.

‘‘You can’t really farm in most of that country.

Green groups warn a potential World Heritage listing for Cape York may be put at risk.

'Sensible' debate

But Environment Minister Andrew Powell says any legal changes will be studied thoroughly by a parliamentary committee.

‘‘I’d encourage UNESCO and all other organisations to wait until the actual laws are tabled and be part of a sensible and rational debate,’’ he told AAP.

‘‘We’re always supportive of a World Heritage listing and we want it to cover the best of the best places with the consent of traditional owners.’’

But Mr Ross said it was strange the plans had been unveiled when traditional owners were in Canberra discussing the World Heritage listing with the federal government.

The farming push is among a raft of changes that would affect Cape York, with the state government also moving to scrap Queensland’s controversial wild rivers laws and lift mining exploration restrictions in the area.

WWF Australia CEO Dermot O’Gorman says the moves are alarming and pose a threat to the Great Barrier Reef.

‘‘The Newman government’s reported plans to open up far north Queensland to tree-clearing and intensive agriculture could put the most pristine areas of the reef at risk,’’ Mr O’Gorman said in a statement.

‘‘Increased agricultural production can be achieved much more economically and with less environmental impact if we use existing agricultural areas more effectively.

‘‘The far north has the most pristine section of the reef for the very reason that it has not been subjected to large-scale agriculture over the years.’’

Natural Resources Minister Andrew Cripps said landholders were responsible stewards and the reforms would pave the way for sustainable development.

‘‘Today’s reforms will hand back control to landholders (and) in no way indicates a relaxing of environmental standards.

‘‘We’ve thrown a lifeline to indigenous communities in Cape York and the Gulf country where development has come to a standstill.’’

Mr Cripps said claims by green groups were hysterical.

Comment has been sought from federal Environment Minister Tony Burke.


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