Thursday, March 21, 2013

Nationals in no rush with a welcome mat for Joyce in NSW - Sydney Morning Herald

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Torbay: Premier 'surprised as anyone else'

NSW Premier, Barry O'Farrell, responds to the resignation of state independent Richard Torbay.

OK. A federal election in June. Kevin Rudd against Tony Abbott.

Based on the mind-boggling actions of Senator Stephen Conroy, the Leader of the Government in the Senate, he appears willing to bring down his third federal Labor leader. Having played a key role in ending Mark Latham's leadership in 2004, then helping to depose Kevin Rudd in 2007, he is now tipping Julia Gillard into crisis; a crisis that did not need to happen, which makes it even worse.

Why Conroy, with the endorsement of the Prime Minister, would want to roil the national media in an election year by imposing a new level of government intervention on freedom of the press, then try to ram it into law with barely any consideration in cabinet or in parliament, is a question for clinical psychologists rather than political commentators. It requires narcissism, monomania or insanity to embark on such a course, at such a time, in such a way.

Now we learn the government has given up its attempt to expand the reach of the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012. The proposed law was misguided, intrusive and Orwellian, and is now abandoned. Another debacle.

The atmosphere inside Parliament House in Canberra is fervid. That being said, we'll move on from speculation to concrete events that also involve political instability.

Which brings us to Senator Barnaby Joyce.

Although Joyce is a Senator for Queensland he is considering running in the federal election for the NSW House of Representatives seat of New England. In the rapidly changing landscape of federal politics, he has an opening for a lower house seat, which could position him later,for the federal leadership of the Nationals. To take this opportunity he would have to step over the fresh political carcass of Richard Torbay, an independent member of the NSW Parliament who on Wednesday tended his resignation from parliament.

Torbay has a long history of working against the Coalition parties, but despite this the Nationals endorsed him as their candidate for New England this year.

It was always a questionable decision, given Torbay's history of political opportunism and links to Labor. It blew up on Tuesday night when Torbay resigned from the Nationals, at the party's request, then tended his resignation from parliament on Wednesday morning.

He became the latest casualty of the Eddie Obeid scandal which is leaching into federal politics as it corrodes the Labor brand in the federal battlefield of Western Sydney and has now spread to New England, the electorate of the independent federal member, Tony Windsor.

Windsor is a juicy target, widely loathed among Coalition MPs and supporters as 'Weasel' Windsor because he delivered a Gillard government in 2010 even though Labor received just 8 per cent of the primary vote and the Greens 3.5 per cent. In the Senate vote in New England, Labor received 28.7 per cent and the Greens 7.3 per cent. It was the lowest combined vote in the nation.

This did not stop Windsor from treating the vote in his electorate as a mandate for a Labor government. He has doggedly stuck by that choice, through the carbon tax reversal, the Craig Thomson scandal, the Peter Slipper duplicity, the blow-up of the live cattle industry, the systemic increase in union power, and the budget blow-out - all seen as disasters in rural Australia.

Despite this, and the innate conservative bias of his electorate, Windsor would be difficult to dislodge. Even if his primary vote were to be slashed in half he could probably survive. He has always been the beneficiary of preference flows and would get the preferences of Labor and the Greens, for obvious reasons, so an emphatic double-digit swing against him might still not be enough. He has been representing Tamworth, the core of the electorate, in state and federal parliament for 23 years, since 1991 so has a dominant advantage in local recognition.

Winning New England is thus a difficult assignment, especially for a Queenslander who has been the greatest political champion of Cubbie Station in Queensland, a drain on the downstream Murray-Darling Basin in NSW for many years.

So Barnaby Joyce may be the high-profile, out-spoken leader of the Nationals in the Senate but he also brings baggage. He may have been born in Tamworth and educated at the University of New England but that was a long time ago. He's a Queenslander now. He would have to overcome the impression of a Queensland carpetbagger who had been parachuted into the seat.

On Wednesday Joyce offered himself to be drafted for the seat. My understanding is that key NSW Nationals are underwhelmed by the prospect of him coming to NSW. Their caution is well founded.

Twitter: @Paul_Sheehan_

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