Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Labor ministers pledge support for Gillard - Sydney Morning Herald


Senior Labor figures have pledged their support for Prime Minister Julia Gillard, despite internal criticism of the federal government's handling of two major polices.

The Labor caucus met for two hours on Tuesday for the last time before the May 14 budget.

While sources said the leadership issue wasn't raised, a number of MPs were critical of the prime minister's handling of changes to single-parent payments and media law changes.

Adding to tension was a Fairfax Media report saying two ministers, Bob Carr and Mark Butler, had withdrawn their support for Ms Gillard.

While Fairfax stood by its story, Senator Carr, who is in Washington, DC, denied it.

"The prime minister has my unqualified support," Senator Carr said.

"I think the media's in a frenzy of speculation."

Mr Butler used Twitter to clarify his position: "Still a proud member of Julia Gillard's team, contrary to latest media frenzy."

Former leader and senior minister Simon Crean also said the prime minister had his full support.

"There's never been a more loyal person in terms of the leadership of the Labor Party," he told reporters in Canberra.

But Mr Crean was critical of the government's process on the media law legislation.

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy announced the planned changes on Tuesday last week, saying he wanted the legislation - which wasn't introduced until two days later - passed this week.

The theme was taken up in caucus, when chief government whip Joel Fitzgibbon - a known Kevin Rudd supporter - asked why the government was not making more of the public's anger over instances of media intrusions and misleading reporting.

As well, five Labor MPs asked questions about the government's movement of 84,000 single parents to the lower Newstart unemployment payment in January as a cost-saving measure.

One said the government's achievements in the area of child care had been "undermined" by the payment cut.

Another MP regretted not having fought harder against the budget measure, saying it was a mistake.

Ms Gillard said it had received the approval of caucus.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott seized on Labor's troubles in parliament when he asked Ms Gillard if it would constitute a vote of no confidence in her minority government if the media laws didn't pass this week.

"Let me say very clearly to the leader of the opposition, it will be a contest, counter-intuitive to those believing in gender stereotypes, but a contest between a strong feisty woman and a policy-weak man," Ms Gillard told parliament.

She later withdrew a comment, which manager of opposition business Christopher Pyne told parliament was: "Misogynist Tony is back."

Later, former Keating government minister Gerry Hand told Sky News he believed the party was "up the proverbial creek" and there could be a leadership change as early as Wednesday.

Victorian Labor leader Daniel Andrews bought into the debate on Tuesday, telling reporters he wanted Ms Gillard to remain prime minister until the September election.

"She ought to be allowed to get on with that job," he said.

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