Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gillard survives dramatic day in Canberra - Sydney Morning Herald

While I was watching the ugly events of Thursday afternoon unfold, I was trying to remember the last time Australia had a perfect prime minister. Or even one who was universally popular.

Maybe our wartime leaders, John Curtin and the sainted Ben Chifley, deserve the mantle but it was before my time, so I can't say. Certainly those men who have ruled us since have all been divisive figures whose popularity waxed and waned and whose competence was continually questioned - by their own side as much as by their opponents. But our memories of them become more benign the further away they are from having been in power.

Gough Whitlam is now a revered person but I remember the vituperation of 1975. Malcolm Fraser is now an out-and-out leftie but I was in Canberra in the late 1970s when he was seen as a chaotic and divisive figure.

Maybe even John Howard will eventually become beloved.

But for Julia Gillard, the judgments are so harsh they border on the demonic. Never has there been a more incompetent and unreliable leader, people say, including many of her own colleagues. Yet this week marked Gillard's 1000 days as Prime Minister. She will soon have served longer than Whitlam.

Gillard has been unlucky enough to have stepped up to the job under two unprecedented circumstances: the hung parliament and the 24-hour news cycle.

The absence of parliamentary majorities is a fact of life in the US Congress and most European parliaments. But for us it is new (at the federal level) and it means that virtually every action the government wants to take must be negotiated. This is then portrayed as a negative - ''the Prime Minister was forced to …'' - rather than as an example of the skilled exercise of governance.

The 24-hour news cycle is now on steroids, so that the pace of politics is absurdly accelerated. There is no time for reflection or second-guessing - and plenty of scope for mistakes, which a voracious media then pounces on as confirmation of its earlier negative judgment (''the Prime Minister was forced to …'').

It was in this environment that Kevin Rudd's supporters used the media like patsies to try to promote the notion that Gillard's time was up, that her standing in the polls was terminal and that only their man could prevent Tony Abbott from romping into The Lodge.

Simon Crean, acting like the mad uncle at a wedding, provided the trigger to try to fell the Prime Minister. It was a spectacular own goal. As we all know, Rudd did not have the numbers and did not stand and Gillard, for the second time in 12 months, prevailed. Crean's ministerial career is over and his appalling judgment makes him a ridiculous figure.

It is probably no coincidence that when Gillard and the ALP were riding high(er) in the polls, at the end of last year, it was when any chance of a Rudd comeback had been thoroughly dismissed by the media and there was no obvious public dissent within the ranks.

The descent in the polls for the party and for Gillard personally can be tracked to the Rudd comeback talk.

Whether the Rudd forces will, finally, surrender and unite behind Gillard remains to be seen. It seems unlikely given the fissures but Joel Fitzgibbon did say after Thursday's non-ballot that this is ''a time for healing''.

Imagine if he meant it and he and the rest of the Rudd forces in the ALP were to set aside their petulant and self-indulgent conduct and throw their energies into promoting the government and its impressive legislative track record. What would the polls make of that?

Thursday showed Gillard's toughness and her coolness under intense pressure. This is an asset that Australians of all stripes should appreciate. It's what we need in a leader. A person who is not prone to panic.

The trouble is Australians are not used to such toughness in a woman and there are plenty who feel uncomfortable with it. Gillard revealed recently, in a very interesting video interview with the blogger Eden Riley, that she felt women in politics needed to be as tough, if not tougher, than the men. Not for her the notion that women should make politics kinder and gentler.

Being a tough female prime minister makes Gillard a unique target but, as Thursday showed, no matter what is thrown at her, she stands firm. Many of us might find this unpalatable (especially as it contradicts our stereotyped notion of how women should behave). But my guess is that the judgment of history will be very different.

Twitter: @SummersAnne

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