Saturday, March 23, 2013

Gillard set for cabinet reshuffle - Sydney Morning Herald

Julia Gillard holds a cabinet meeting in Blacktown. Major changes are expected.

Julia Gillard holds a cabinet meeting in Blacktown. A major ministerial reshuffle is planned. Photo: Andrew Meares

Julia Gillard is expected to announce major changes to her ministerial line-up on Monday, following the leadership ructions last week.

On Saturday, the Prime Minister told reporters in Murwillumbah in northern NSW that she would ''deal with the ministerial reshuffle in coming days''.

On Tuesday, she is flying to Perth for a community cabinet meeting.

Ms Gillard gave no information on her fourth reshuffle since the 2010 election, but Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare may be eligible for a promotion, according to Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

''[Mr Clare has] demonstrated tremendous competence and ability,'' he told ABC TV.

Mr Dreyfus, who was only recently elevated to the cabinet himself, also singled out Defence Materiel Minister Mike Kelly and Canberra backbenchers Gai Brodtmann and Andrew Leigh as candidates for promotions.

Ms Gillard would not be drawn when asked if all of Kevin Rudd's supporters should be cleared out of the ministry. She also dismissed suggestions that it would be difficult to find the necessary talent.

''My problem when it comes to ministerial reshuffles is making the fine judgments about who to promote because there are so many possibilities,'' she said.

Five ministerial positions are vacant after attempts to reinstate Mr Rudd as prime minister.

Simon Crean, who held the portfolios of Regional Australia, Regional Development, Local Government and Arts, was sacked on Thursday, after he called for a spill.

On Friday, Chris Bowen, Kim Carr and Martin Ferguson resigned. Together, they were responsible for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research, Human Services and Resources, Energy and Tourism.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Richard Marles, was also a casualty of the spill.

This reshuffle comes seven weeks after Ms Gillard's last reshuffle.

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