Friday, March 22, 2013

Crean points finger at Rudd - Brisbane Times

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I had zero chance of winning ballot: Rudd

Kevin Rudd's closest colleagues told him not to challenge Julia Gillard in the leadership spill on Thursday because it would have 'split the party down the middle.'

Sacked minister Simon Crean, the man who sparked this week's Labor's leadership crisis, says Kevin Rudd's camp had fully endorsed his intervention to demand the Prime Minister call a spill.

His account of events directly contradicts the version of Mr Rudd, who said on Friday he had not expected the ''spontaneous combustion'' of Simon Crean's demand for a ballot, and promised he would never again seek the leadership.

Mr Rudd's last-minute decision to back out of a challenge has led to bitter recriminations among his supporters, with Mr Crean describing Mr Rudd's key support group as ''disorganised, unbelievable and shameless''.

Who, me? Kevin Rudd addresses the media in Brisbane.

Who, me? Kevin Rudd addresses the media in Brisbane. Photo: Glenn Hunt

The bloodletting came as three more senior government figures, Tertiary Education Minister Chris Bowen, Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson and Human Services Minister Kim Carr, quit Ms Gillard's team, joining Mr Crean on the backbench.

Anthony Albanese, the Leader of the House, appears to have clung on to his spot in cabinet despite being part of the Rudd inner circle and present in his office when the spill motion was on.

Foreign Minister Bob Carr was fighting to save his position in cabinet, having been identified as a Rudd plotter. Speaking in Washington, Senator Carr said the averted spill had "reaffirmed and renewed" Ms Gillard's leadership.

Illustration: Ron Tandberg.

Illustration: Ron Tandberg.

Mr Rudd told reporters on Friday that after Mr Crean's public demand for a ballot, he had gathered his friends and ministerial colleagues in his office and asked them what the prospects were of obtaining a majority. ''Their response was zero.''

''I then asked them 'under these circumstances … what should I do?' Each of them said to me, 'Kevin, I believe you should not run because it would divide the party'.''

Accused of failing to deliver numbers for Mr Rudd, Mr Crean said that Mr Bowen, who led the key pro-Rudd tactical group, had told him on Thursday morning to ''bring it on'' before his call for a ballot.

Chris Bowen resigned from the ministry in a press conference in Canberra on 22 March 2013.

The fallen ... Chris Bowen: "The best thing for the Labor Party would be for Kevin Rudd to return." Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Bowen had reassured Mr Crean that a Labor figure of his standing would precipitate a ''stampede'' of votes for a Rudd challenge.

Mr Crean attacked Mr Rudd, saying his refusal to stand in the ballot had exposed many people to derision and political harm. The dispute over whether the Rudd forces sent Mr Crean out or whether he took them by surprise and acted alone presents a picture of a chaotic countdown to the doomed spill.

''We wouldn't have pressed the button, he pressed it for us,'' a senior member of the Rudd camp said.

Kim Carr resigns from the ministry during a press conference in Canberra on Friday 22 March 2013.

Kim Carr: "I solemnly believe that Kevin provided the best opportunity." Photo: Andrew Meares

But Mr Crean said he had specifically asked Mr Bowen if his ''tactical group'' agreed unanimously with his course of action, and had been told that he had full support.

''I knew the risk in it, but what I didn't know was that they were so badly disorganised,'' he said.

Meanwhile, bruised Rudd loyalists said Mr Crean had failed to honour a deal to swing 10 MPs behind Mr Rudd in return for becoming deputy prime minister if Ms Gillard was toppled. Mr Crean denied there was any such deal.

Martin Ferguson speaks to the media during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Friday 22 March 2013.

Martin Ferguson: "I would have voted for Kevin Rudd yesterday ... to try and give this party a fresh start." Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

He said Mr Rudd had wanted the manager of government business, Anthony Albanese, as his deputy.

Mr Crean said he had given notice of his intentions to Ms Gillard on Wednesday evening and had simply wanted to draw a line in the sand and resolve issues eating at the party. He said the outcome gave Ms Gillard the potential to act with more authority.

Mr Crean said he had not dealt directly with Mr Rudd, but with Mr Bowen.

After calling his press conference to announce he wanted a leadership ballot, Mr Crean said he received a call from Mr Bowen saying ''we've got a problem with the numbers''.

Shortly before the ballot was to be held, Mr Crean said Mr Rudd had phoned him to say he would not stand. ''I said, Kevin, you have to run,'' Mr Crean said.

Elements of the Rudd camp said they were caught flat-footed because part of the deal with Mr Crean was that before any challenge was called, his numbers would be delivered to the offices of two of Mr Rudd's numbers men, Joel Fitzgibbon or Mr Bowen.''He went off the air,'' one of the Rudd supporters said.

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