Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bob Katter herded but media reform Bill is still in the balance - The Australian

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has rejected any changes to proposed media reforms.

Stephen Conroy

Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy / Pic: Ray Strange Source: The Daily Telegraph

Bob Katter

Independent MP Bob Katter / Pic: Gary Ramage Source: The Daily Telegraph

DRACONIAN media regulations proposed by Communications Minister Stephen Conroy were last night on the brink of collapse as Julia Gillard scrambled in a bid to salvage a new compromise deal with key independents.

It followed a tense day of negotiations that resulted in several independents walking away, with only a wavering Bob Katter last night agreeing - in principal.

The Prime Minister was last night locked in talks about amendments. Her spokesman said there was hope for the regulations, with one day of parliament left before MPs leave Canberra until the budget in May.

A deadline set by Mr Conroy for a vote passed last night but the government still holds hope that, if it reaches a deal, it could ram the changes through today.

Andrew Wilkie, Rob Oakeshott and Craig Thomson yesterday ruled out backing four contentious bills which would establish a powerful government appointed enforcer - the Public Interest Media Advocate (PIMA) - to oversee the print media and a public interest test for media mergers.

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A senior Labor source last night told The Daily Telegraph the press council changes and the PIMA bill were very unlikely to pass, with the government now concentrating its efforts on the legislation covering media diversity with last-minute amendments being finalised to be presented to the parliament today.

Bob Katter

Bob Katter in one of the many libraries within his home in Charters Towers, QLD. Picture: Wesley Monts Source: The Daily Telegraph

MPs drop Gillard media reforms

Mr Katter said, while he backed media reform, a government appointed advocate was "thoroughly repulsive and revolting".

He said Mr Conroy's proposed PIMA was "dead" just after 5pm. However by 7pm he was believed to be back supporting the government.

He earlier said he would move an amendment, which would fail, for a "people's watchdog" of three commissioners appointed by a panel of 12.

The Greens threw the government a lifeline, striking a deal on diversity and preventing more press councils being established beyond the two current councils. It is understood Peter Slipper also backed the reforms.

If the current situation remains, the government would not bring the Bills to a vote. as it would lose. Such a situation would be a direct threat to Ms Gillard's leadership. Caucus colleagues are already questioning the handling of the proposed media laws.

The government was last night desperately trying to win back the support of Mr Thomson to move into a position where the laws could pass.

Mr Wilkie condemned the handling of the legislation, calling it "shambolic" after Mr Conroy announced a deadline of only days and stated he would not "barter" with the independents - only to have Ms Gillard take over and begin negotiating on Tuesday.

Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan joined talks with Mr Wilkie, along with Ms Gillard and Leader of the House Anthony Albanese.

"I would go so far to say it has been shambolic," Mr Wilkie said.

"You've only had to be in the galleries and see all the carry-on to see it has been very, very rushed and it is not the way to approach very important reforms and important public policy. I think this is a missed opportunity. There is need for media reform in Australia."

The government's loss of the support of the independents came after a lack of consultation as bills were drafted - with the group all believing media reform is necessary.

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