Dave Oliver. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
UNION head Dave Oliver has demanded legislation to protect weekend penalty rates ''forever'' in the face of a business push for greater flexibility.
Mr Oliver, secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, stepped up his call for annual leave and sick leave to transfer when people moved jobs.
Business groups dismissed the ideas as complicated and costly, but the Greens offered to work with the Gillard government to beef up employment protection laws.
Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten said Labor had always supported penalty rates, but did not reveal whether he would adopt the call for protections to be enshrined in law.
Unions will tap into member databases and attempt to enlist people to campaign directly to work colleagues ahead of the federal election. The attempt to recruit thousands of word-of-mouth advocates follows US President Barack Obama's use of a network of grassroots campaigners and supporters pressing for his re-election last year.
Mr Oliver said data gathering was going to be important and efforts would include personal contact and electronic communications. He said he regretted his movement's ''mistake'' in walking away from the campaigning network it built up to fight the former Howard government's workplace laws in 2007.
The ACTU campaign, tapping into members of individual unions, would encourage nurses to speak with colleagues about concerns over workplace rights. Teachers, public servants and other union members would also be encouraged to spread the word.
Mr Oliver said there were 283,890 union members in 38 of the most marginal electorates, but acknowledged that critics such as Opposition Leader Tony Abbott would attempt to use ''isolated'' allegations of union corruption to weaken the movement.
Mr Oliver said after the campaign against the WorkChoices laws, the union movement moved ''literally overnight from being a campaigning organisation as a whole to a transactional one''.
Mr Oliver said schemes to allow the transfer of leave entitlements when people changed jobs had already been put in place in the construction sector.
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