The federal opposition says it won't be able to finalise the costing of its policies until well into the election campaign.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan have challenged Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and shadow treasurer Joe Hockey to release their policy costings well before the election.

But Mr Hockey seized on comments made during a Senate estimates hearing in Canberra on Monday as proof that such an early release was not possible.

Under the Charter of Budget Honesty, the secretaries of Treasury and Finance must release a pre-election economic and fiscal outlook (PEFO) statement within 10 days of the parliament being dissolved ahead of an election.

The statement gives all parties a baseline from which to cost their promises and shows some of the economic risks ahead.

The September 14 poll will be the first to involve policies being costed by the independent Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO), set up in July 2012.

Liberal senator Mathias Cormann asked PBO chief Phil Bowen, "Is it fair to say ... that the most accurate information to base the most reliable pre-election costings on would be based on the data contained in the PEFO?"

Mr Bowen replied: "Senator, that is true. But I would also reiterate that for us to do a costing from scratch would take more work (than one requested before the caretaker period)."

Mr Bowen, who has received 207 policies for costing and produced 152 responses, urged MPs and parties to submit their policies before the election campaign to ensure there was enough time to complete the work.

He said it would be relatively simple to update a costing with figures from PEFO if necessary.

Mr Hockey said in a statement that PEFO would be "the final set of budget numbers against which the coalition will measure and cost its policies ahead of the 2013 federal election".

"Accordingly, the coalition will finalise its policy costings after the PEFO is published by the Departments of Treasury and Finance, and will release them in good time before the election," he said.

The PBO told the Senate estimates committees it was seeking broader powers to access tax revenue information and planned to conduct studies of the structural budget balance, the changing composition of the budget and projections for social security and welfare payments.

The agency aimed to complete costings within five working days, but some policies submitted in late December had yet to be costed because of their complexity, the committee was told.

Treasurer Wayne Swan told AAP voters should be concerned they won't see any coalition costings for at least 183 days.

"This is a deeply deceptive ruse from the opposition to hide the impact of their policy proposals from the Australian people," Mr Swan said in a statement.

He also challenged the opposition to release the policies already costed by the PBO.