NOW that the NSW Labor Party has literally become a side-show, a sold-out pantomime so popular with punters that an extra room of the Independent Commission Against Corruption has been set aside just for the overflow of citizens interested in the Eddie Obeid hearings, one almost feels a little left out in Canberra.
It's the off-Broadway show that just can't haul in the big crowds. Even the Kiwi tourists can barely make it through question time.
Thankfully, as the ICAC has heard this week, Obeid is a generous man. He tossed a little Sussex Street fairy dust down the Hume Highway when he named several federal Labor ministers who had enjoyed the famous Obeid family hospitality at their luxury ski lodge, The Stables, at Perisher - a joint so fancy it has one of those self-igniting gas flame fireplaces that look like they've been filched from the apres-ski scene of a Bond movie. Or at the very least, from the set of The Bachelor.
Such is the scope of Obeid's largesse, he got his names a little confused - those faceless men are so diabolically difficult to tell apart. The Workplace Relations Minister, Bill Shorten, was fingered as an Obeid guest and issued a head-spinningly speedy denial: ''I don't even ski!'' he protested. The new Senate leader, Stephen Conroy, a more athletic type, does ski and did stay at Chalet Obeid, but said he only went as a guest of the Environment Minister, Tony Burke.
Burke, who declared he had stayed at the lodge twice, was reluctant to describe Obeid as a friend, saying he did not wish to ''get into a definition of where you draw the line on that particular word''.
''To give that as a current description I think would be a pretty big stretch,'' he said. ''Look, I stayed at someone's place.''
In the post-Facebook world, such not-quite-friends are hard to find.
Meanwhile, in Melbourne, the Labor-turned-independent MP Craig Thomson appeared in court on fraud charges, related to allegedly using his union credit card to source his own friends, the kind you have to pay for.
The court instructed Thomson not to contact employees of Tiffany's Girls', Young Blondes, A Touch of Class and Boardroom Escorts.
And so it was that the oil slick of alleged Labor corruption snaked its way through the eastern states yesterday, leaving the opposition with little to do but hold its hands in the air and talk about the economy, which was its question time focus.
The former prime minister Bob Hawke, bronzed and sprightly, if a little stooped, sat in on question time and was warmly greeted by the shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey, in whose electorate he resides.
The former speaker Peter Slipper bounded over to say hi, shaking Hawkey's hand warmly as the camera shutters whirred.
He was just being friendly.

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