Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Former prime minister Bob Hawke greets Greg Combet. Photo: Andrew Meares - Sydney Morning Herald

Industry minister Greg Combet with former Prime Minister Bob in Parliament House in Canberra on Wednesday 6 February 2013 Photo: Andrew Meares

Former prime minister Bob Hawke greets Greg Combet. Photo: Andrew Meares

EVEN on the sidelines, even at the age of 83, Bob Hawke still commands the centre of attention.

Old Silver simply had to take a seat in the VIP guest enclosure on the floor of the House of Representatives to set the place trilling. You couldn't miss him - his signature mane was coiffed and gleaming to the point that Elvis Presley himself, had he lived (he'd be 78 now, his quiff surely silvered), would have crooned in admiration.

Accompanied by Jill Saunders, his long-time - and, you'd imagine, long-suffering - personal assistant, Hawke had barely sat down before the Speaker, Anna Burke, formally welcomed Labor's longest-serving prime minister.

The opposition's Jolly Joe Hockey couldn't restrain himself. ''I join with the Speaker to welcome a constituent of mine,'' he cried. Hawke, who lives above Sydney's harbour at Northbridge, within Hockey's electorate, fairly beamed, though his merriment dimmed as Hockey continued, hailing him as ''the last Labor prime minister to deliver a surplus''.

Bob Hawke may have left Parliament more than 20 years ago, but he hardly needed his old political radar to inform him of what was coming.

Tony Abbott and Hockey were preparing to launch a fresh round of gloating about the government's reversal of its years-old promise to deliver a surplus.

Hockey had come armed with a pamphlet sent out to Treasurer Wayne Swan's constituents boasting that the surplus had been delivered on time, and Victorian Liberal Tony Smith had gathered similar pamphlets from nine other Labor electorates. Each, of course, was an unfortunate case of premature elation.

Hawke in his heyday would have glowered and snarled at his tormentors and he'd have had Paul Keating to back him up with ripe lines involving ''mangy maggots'' or ''the greatest jobs and investment destroyers since the bubonic plague''.

Instead, Hawke had to sit silently as Prime Minister Julia Gillard desperately pulled revenue-to-GDP figures from her briefing papers to explain the vanishing surplus and Wayne Swan was left expounding the view that when the facts change, a prudent government does the same. Swan valiantly sought Keating territory, damning the Coalition for having ''joined the US Tea Party cranks and crazies'', but it didn't quite sing.

The Coalition was in high good humour over a couple of Labor ministers getting themselves linked to the latest stink from the NSW inquiry into corruption for having taken ski holidays at the inexplicably wealthy Obeid family's chalet at Perisher Valley.

The Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation, Bill Shorten - who has made it clear he neither skis nor has stayed at the Obeid chalet - tried to get things back on track by pointing out it was Bob Hawke's government that introduced compulsory superannuation. ''We are the champions of superannuation in this House,'' he bragged, tossing his attention Hawkewards.

Hawke's chance to bask in the compliment, unfortunately, was interrupted. Superannuated Speaker Peter Slipper chose that very moment to stride across the House to pay obeisance to the man who has got himself out of even more jams than he has.

Slipper actually bowed. Bob Hawke hardly blinked. The centre of attention is his natural territory.

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