Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Business says govt must boost confidence - The Australian

NEW evidence of a further softening in business conditions suggests the central bank will have to cut interest rates again this year to restore confidence.

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) also believes business is being hampered by a series of federal government policies, including new taxes and regulations impacting competitiveness.

ACCI chief economist Greg Evans says the Labor government should scrap its controversial mining tax, which has delivered revenue of $126 million in its first six months - much less than expected.

"There's no point trying to adjust it," he told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.

"As they say, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."

Mr Evans also questioned whether business should be targeted when the federal budget was in trouble.

"The government has got to provide a pathway forward, in terms of how it plans to balance the Australian budget and give business the confidence it is managing the economy."

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In December, Treasurer Wayne Swan shelved plans to return the budget to surplus in 2012/13.

At a Senate estimates hearing in Canberra, it was revealed the final budget outcome for 2012/13 was unlikely to be known before voters go to the federal poll on September 14.

Department of Finance secretary David Tune said the release date was closer to September 30 - because of the need for an additional two weeks of auditing in line with new international accounting standards.

To formulate the budget outcome any earlier "would be very difficult", he said.

The ACCI business expectations survey for the December quarter showed all key activity measures remained at contractionary levels.

The general business conditions index was at 41.9 points, down from 42.8 points in the September quarter, and below the 50-point mark that separates contraction from expansion.

Sales, exports, profitability, investment and employment were also contracting - especially the selling prices component, which has been below 50 points for two years.

"We appear to have settled into a sustained level of difficult trading conditions," Mr Evans said.

"We believe the Reserve Bank will have to act at some point to further ease interest rates."

National Australia Bank's business survey for January showed a minor improvement in business confidence and conditions.

The confidence index rose to three points, from two points in December, while the conditions index was minus-two points, up from minus-five points.

But NAB said levels were still weak and the outlook was poor, implying a below-trend economic growth rate of 2.75 per cent in the March quarter.

"We still see the need for the RBA to cut the cash rate by 75 basis points," it said.

NAB expects the next cut will be in May, rather than March.

It has other cuts pencilled in for June and November.

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