Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Vic ALP leader scolds feds on health - Herald Sun

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard and Premier Ted Baillieu must both stop playing politics with the issue of hospital funding, Victoria's Labor opposition leader says.

Daniel Andrews says he's not in the business of lecturing his colleagues but both the federal and state governments need to maturely resolve the issue.

"Both those from the commonwealth government and the state government need to sit down, in a room, and work out how they're going to fix this," he told reporters on Thursday.

"We can't have a situation where patients are waiting longer than they should for the care that they need while politicians continue to play a blame game, trying to score points off each other."

Mr Andrews said his office had been in touch with federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek's office and his views were well known.

Victorian Health Minister David Davis says Canberra has cut $107 million from existing hospital budgets, while Ms Plibersek maintains Victoria will receive $900 million more in hospital funding over four years.

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The funding cuts have prompted The Alfred to reportedly axe 300 operations, while the Royal Children's Hospital has announced it will have to slash 50 jobs.

Mr Baillieu said all state health ministers in November condemned the federal funding cut.

"Julia Gillard has unilaterally cut funding to hospitals," he told reporters.

"What staggers me is the prime minister is now denying they've cut funding to hospitals.

"The commonwealth should reverse it, they're in some sort of bizarre denial."

Mr Andrews challenged Mr Davis to release the hospital performance data for the three months to last September, saying it was due for release before the end of last year.

He urged Mr Davis to also release a statement of priority contracts the health minister signed with hospitals around last October.

As of June last year there were almost 8000 more people waiting for elective surgery in Victoria.

Mr Andrews said if the statements of priorities were tallied up there would be an elective surgery waiting list of more than 50,000 people.

"That is the worst list, the longest list, the biggest deterioration in the system since records were kept."

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