Monday, January 21, 2013

Shooting laws show contempt for safety and fauna - Brisbane Times


Lance Armstrong

Delusion equates to a type of strength ... Lance Armstrong. Photo: Reuters

The enactment of the NSW government's policy regarding shooting in national parks (''Adviser goes from keeper to poacher'', January 19-20) reflects no concern for people's safety or for the true significance of national parks, which is the conservation of biodiversity and for the public to enjoy without fear or trepidation.

Shooting of feral animals should be conducted by professional shooters following strict protocols under the auspices of the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Such unprincipled government action will be responsible for a host of unsupervised shooting that could see us following the violent trend in the United States; the National Rifle Association via the Shooters Party will reign supreme. Come on Australia, we can't let this happen.

Judy Kelly Aranda (ACT)

When senior bureaucrats such as Sally Barnes can ignore their own previous professional decisions, where is their credibility? Our democracy demands their impartiality, not conformity to the current government's policies.

Barry O'Farrell, please explain why you have dumped the concept of democratic governance.

Jane Gilchrist Waratah

This morning I was walking along a track in the Blue Mountains National Park, a World Heritage area. Mist was rising from the valley and white cockatoos were drinking from a rock pool at Elysian lookout. I was noticing all the baby eucalypts sprouting beside the blackened trunks burnt during the frightening bushfires of September 2011. I felt at peace with the world, but then I heard what sounded like a gun shot. I froze.

Barry O'Farrell and Sally Barnes, I ask you, how can a seriously dangerous activity like hunting be safely introduced into national parks?

Jillian Salz Leura

Barry O'Farrell's plan to allow recreational hunting in NSW parks and reserves is unacceptable on ethical and ecological grounds.

The majority of hunters are amateurs whose ability to identify ''legal'' species cannot be guaranteed. This will result in the death of native animals within the very same parks that were established to afford them environmental protection.

Likewise, there are no guarantees of the shooting competency of recreational hunters.

For this reason, such hunting causes immense suffering through injury and prolonged death of target and non-target species as well as habitat disturbance.

Recreational hunting does not significantly reduce feral animal populations so cannot be justified on these grounds. It will be more newsworthy in the event of tragic consequences for national parks staff and visitors.

Dr Rosemary Elliott Secretary, Sentient: The Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics, Oatley

There are shooters in national parks in NSW for the same reason there's a carbon tax in Canberra - blackmail by minority parties. It's ultimately the fault of the voters, who should pay more attention next time.

William Lloyd Denistone

Washout at SCG leaves fans frustrated

Dual congratulations are in order after Sunday's abandoned one-day international (''Washout leaves all unhappy bar crowd'', January 21). To the SCG trust, for ignoring any requirement that an international cricket ground possess a drainage system that can manage an hour of featherweight drizzle - but happily splashing the cash to virtually rebuild the ground. And to Cricket Australia, for keeping spectators completely in the dark during the near-three hour delay, calling it quits for fear of having to replace a few wet balls, then insisting that blasting horrendous ''cricket karaoke'' made for a great time all the same.

With your powers combined, one can only rejoice for the bright, bright future of short-form cricket in our city.

Thomas Mortimer Drummoyne

It is amazing that in the 21st century a game at the Sydney Cricket Ground has to be abandoned after an hour of drizzle. It is a venue that is revered by cricketers all over the world.

The government is spending a fortune to make the SCG a ''state of the art'' spectator facility, but this will be a disappointing waste of taxpayers' money if the playing surface does not meet modern expectations.

Brian Jeffrey Gunnedah

As the limited overs game has again been revised with the re-introduction of two balls, making scoring runs early in an innings more difficult, then the Duckworth-Lewis system also needs an overhaul so as not to disadvantage the side batting first when there is a rain delay.

David Sayers Gwandalan

One-day cricket is so democratic. Everyone gets a chance to disgrace themselves. Last night it was the umpires' turn: can't judge lbw, can't judge weather.

John Byrne Randwick

Go beyond just putting out fires

Some bean-counting on bush fire management may be simplistic, but analysis of the costs and benefits of the options can only help planning for this ''sensitive and emotive'' aspect of public policy (''Money 'wasted' on fire prevention'', January 21).

Some good work is being done in this area, but still the fire agencies spend much of summer trying to put fires out and the rest of the year trying to light them again. The public love it, the media thrive on it and some firefighters and fire managers embrace it, but is it the most effective strategy?

Bush fires as such are not the problem: it is their impact on human life and property. What if more of the $12 billion was spent on promoting better property protection and home-owner responsibility instead of squirting the wet stuff on the red stuff? Not very exciting but would we get better outcomes?

I look forward to the analysis and informed public discussion.

Ian Brown Mount Victoria

Geert Wilders' divisive voice not welcome here

My advice for Debbie Robinson is: if she is so eager to listen to the hatred and Islamophobia preached by Geert Wilders then she should relocate to the Netherlands as Wilders and his views are not congruent with Australia's.

I congratulate all those institutions which refused to accommodate Robinson's ''business requests'' as they clearly decided to stand against evil (''Free speech dogged by politics of difference'', January 21). Instead of building bridges and preaching for peace and love, Wilders calls for divisiveness. Has he not learnt from the shameful atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany and the Balkans?

Milad Faeeh Surry Hills

I read with horror today's opinion piece by Paul Sheehan concerning the proposed visit to Australia by Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders. Not horror at Wilders' visit or his views; those are well documented and he has a democratic right to express them, providing they do not incite racial hatred.

My horror is at the pathetic refusals of venues in various states to host his meetings. Why, I ask? There can be but one conclusion: fear of political incorrectness.

Will his views offend certain elements of society? Probably. Will that offence incite racial hatred? I think not. He will address a problem peculiar to Europe: Islamic mass migration from North Africa, and the impact it is having upon social cohesion in European countries. This is not a problem in Australia. So why refuse to host his meetings?

It will be a sad day for this country, and our democracy, if an individual's freedom to express a well-presented opinion, however controversial, is curtailed out of fear of offending one element of society.

Rob McCormack Tighes Hill

Solo sailor no hero

I am sure I am not alone in finding it disturbing and ironic that a wealthy lone sailor knowingly risks his life travelling solely for adventure and pleasure, expects, at huge expense, to be rescued at sea and is then treated with compassion as a hero (''Dramatic rescue saves solo sailor'', January 21).

The hypocrisy in comparison with the Tampa affair and the vilification of true refugees is alarming. Alain Delord should think himself extremely privileged to have a huge liner divert to rescue him, and then take him to Hobart rather than be treated as criminal and sent to Christmas Island or Nauru.

Perhaps if he experienced the plight of these people he might put the millions invested in his egotistical pursuit to better use.

Christina Foo Wahroonga

Mercury rising

I still can't quite believe that Orica's excuse for not conducting a study about mercury contamination at Port Botany is that it fears dental fillings and broken thermometers would skew the results (''Orica opposed study of mercury near plant'', January 21). It's not April 1 yet, is it? I'm still trying to visualise those mischievous locals emptying bucketloads of fillings and thermometers into the water in the dead of night.

If this is the level of expertise we get from a company that is replete with chemical engineers and metallurgists then we should all head for the hills before they blow something up.

Mark Turner Kirribilli

Cheer on the drug assisted - or not

Julian Savulescu, (''Sports doping should be legal and controlled'', January 19-20), why not have two divisions in cycling: those unassisted by drugs and the drug assisted, with riders promoting the drug company on their shirts. I know which contest I'd prefer to watch.

Susan Benham Woonona

In describing Lance Armstrong as an ''invertebrate liar'', Greg Simpson (Letters, January 21) was a bit harsh. To cheat and lie to the extent that Armstrong has over such a long period of time suggests a degree of resolution and perseverance which, to give him his due, is quite inconsistent with the absence of backbone.

John Martin Woonona

Christopher Woodley (Letters, January 21) asks what Lance Armstrong did to go from hero to zero and then points out how this ''phenomenal athlete'' won the Tour De France seven times. I suggest he needs to take a more realistic view of what happened. Armstrong cheated to ''win'' the Tour De France seven times. He then lied many times about this and aggressively pursued those who said he was lying.

Armstrong may or may not have been a ''phenomenal athlete'' - we will never know. What we do know is that he was a cheat and a liar and was quite happy to ruin other people's careers to continue with his. We don't need to look in the mirror to contemplate who Armstrong was. The years of smoke, mirrors and doping are over - let's look at the facts and call Armstrong what he is.

John Maley Greenwich

Raise foreign aid

I agree with George Monbiot (''Neo-liberals' economic policy just a get-rich-quicker fraud'', January 21) that ''no one in this sea of riches should have to be poor''.

In the fight against global poverty, Australia's foreign aid makes a remarkable difference. Last year, the World Bank reported the UN's first Millennium Development Goal target of halving global poverty by 2015 was achieved early - in 2010. However, global poverty still means 1.29 billion people trying to live on $US1.25 each day, according to the World Bank's latest figures.

Currently Australia only donates 35¢ in every $100 of our income overseas. We can do more with our foreign aid. In the war on poverty, it's not too much to pay.

Peter Graves Curtin (ACT)

America the flawed

The photo of a US citizen with an AR-15 assault rifle slung on his back in a public place is chilling (''Gun lobby gathers ammunition to fight US firearms reforms'', January 21). Effectively he is saying: ''My right to carry and use this offensive weapon is greater than any of you who choose not to do so.''

That this person can go into a public area so armed is terrifying - if I saw someone like that I would run in the opposite direction. I certainly wouldn't applaud him for exercising his Second Amendment rights. No wonder so many people then go out and buy similar weapons so they won't be left behind in the domestic arms race.

The fact he then justifies his action by putting an American flag in the barrel says so much about that fortunate but seriously flawed country.

Phil Kerrigan Mortlake

Mixed messages for new billboards

Some suggested messages for the proposed new roadside billboards (''Digital roadside billboards with multiple ads on way'', January 21): ''Reading this billboard may increase your chances of causing an accident'', ''Avoid visual distractions when driving'' and ''Please ensure this ad is read before you hit the car ahead.''

Doug Walker Baulkham Hills

Shorter Footlong

May I humbly suggest to Subway that if ''Footlong'' is not to be regarded as an indication of size, then neither should ''$8.50'' be regarded as an indication of price (''Subway caught short on 'Footlong''', January 21).

You make your sandwich, I measure it and then we negotiate the price. Makes sense to me.

David Calvey Roseville

A team player

No doubt a fine man, but Kersi Meher-Homji's assessment of Rusi Surti that ''he would have made an excellent Twenty20 player'' (''Intense all-rounder stood alone'', January 21) must be the ultimate assessment of cricket failure. Perhaps Surti's real commitment was to the team, and that is a greater comment on any sportsman.

Colin Hesse Marrickville

Wrong for Albanese

Anthony Albanese may believe ''this has been got right'' about the Southern Sydney Freight Line ('''We wanted to make sure we got it right': new rail line opens … three years late'', January 21, I suggest he does something about improving his use of language.

I counted four variations of this clumsy sentiment.

Christine Northam Gymea Bay

Eternal optimist

Athol Stewart's obituary (''No problem too hard for optimist who survived tough times'', January 21), should be a tonic for anyone needing a boost because life seems too hard.

Morris Graham Georgetown

Entitlement flows

It seems a little unfair to accuse Gen Y alone of being entrapped in a ''vacuum of solipsism'' and having an ''unhealthy and unrealistic sense of entitlement'' (Letters, January 21). That accusation applies to most of Australia's middle classes, especially the white men, the religious, and anyone owning mining shares.

Peter Fyfe Erskineville

Salute firefighters

Hail to our wonderful rural firefighters, most of whom are volunteers. I vote they all receive an honour in the forthcoming Australia Day honours list. They are all worthy recipients.

Megan Willcox Mona Vale

After the superhuman effort of our firefighters over the last few weeks, would it not be a fine gesture of thanks from the Australian people to forgo fireworks on this coming Australia Day and donate the money saved to the fire brigades? Some of the money could also go to help farmers who have livestock but no feed.

I think the firies have probably seen enough fireworks this year.

Jenny Mooney Karuah

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