Prime Minister Julia Gillard says a legal challenge against the Australian-run immigration detention centre on PNG's Manus Island is a matter for that country's courts.

Lawyers for PNG opposition leader Belden Namah filed the challenge to the detention centre late last week.

PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill says he's confident the centre is lawful and has vowed to conduct a vigorous defence.

But Ms Gillard is refusing to speculate on the case and what it might mean for her government's offshore processing regime.

"This is a matter for the PNG judicial system now," she told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.

"I'm not going to start predicting the outcome of a court case which I don't believe has even been filed yet."

The PNG court is yet to set a date to hear the challenge and court officers say the case is unlikely to be heard in January.

There are about 140 immigration detainees on Manus island.