Sunday, January 20, 2013

O'Farrell's hunger for power puts lives at serious risk - Sydney Morning Herald


We now learn that hunting in national parks will ''annihilate current rules around wildlife management in NSW and significantly curtail the ability for [National Parks and Wildlife Service] to manage lands reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974'' (''Adviser goes from keeper to poacher'', January 19-20).

This comes on top of ''the assessment said there was a 'major risk' that bushwalkers and national parks staff could be seriously injured or killed''. Who in their right mind will be going into national parks for a bushwalk if there is a possibility that you could get shot? And could someone please explain why shooters will be allowed to litter national parks with empty poisonous cartridges?

It looks like national parks will now be open only to shooters. National parks are for our wildlife and responsible people enjoying areas like these. There are not many of these areas left. Politicians should make decisions for the people who have elected them. Why is it more important to stay in power than to govern responsibly?

Bettina Damme Rathmines

Should we be surprised that the Office of Environment and Heritage does not have "any recollection of creating or authorising" the advice against recreational hunting in national parks? With the Shooters and Fishers at its back the O'Farrell government has fallen over itself to dismantle social and conservation protections and neutralise pockets of principled resistance in the public service and its agencies.

Closing the Cronulla Fisheries Laboratory, slashing National Parks and Wildlife Service staff, defunding the Environmental Defender's Office, renewing forfeited leases and bending approval procedures at the whim of coal and coal seam gas miners or gambling barons, the government has broken countless promises, relying on the stink surrounding ICAC hearings on the ALP to cover the smell of its own cowardice and corruption.

NSW needs good governance, a fearless and impartial public service and adherence to principle in countering vested interests with guns or deep pockets.

Murray Scott Heathcote

Please let's keep our national parks for family recreation. If hunting of feral pests is required let's have it done by professionals and ensure the parks are closed to everyone when it is done.

I have stopped walking in state forests due to hunting; are we to lose our national parks, too? It's a strange democracy where a minority rules for political purposes. Shame on you, Barry O'Farrell.

Cheryl Dooley Glenreagh

Barry O'Farrell has no case for supporting hunting in national parks. Document after document reveals that the exercise puts visitors at risk, national parks staff at risk, it threatens the environment and puts severe stress on managing our parks effectively.

The National Parks Association of NSW calls on members of the NSW Coalition government to stand against the Premier and overturn this unpopular decision. The Premier's flagrant disregard for public safety and our national parks is unconscionable.

Justin McKee Campaign co-ordinator, National Parks Association of NSW

Jail's too soft and too dear - bring back the stocks

So, having been sort of exposed as an invertebrate liar, Lance Armstrong will no doubt get off the hook again (''Finally, Armstrong comes clean'', January 19-20). How do they get away with it and for so long?

A jail sentence is too mild and the taxpayer inevitably pays the bill. Bring back the stocks and public thrashings, I say. Maybe $5 a lash with proceeds to go to something decent.

Greg Simpson Forster

The Lance Armstrong debacle should turn the mirror back on society. It would show that half the population relies on performance-enhancing drugs not for sporting excellence but just to get through the day.

What has Armstrong done that has seen him go from hero to zero in seven Tours de France? He's pushed the boundaries of human endurance in the most physical and mentally challenging sporting endeavour. Not only did he win seven times but on the way managed to drag his cancer-riddled body back from the jaws of death while also giving hope and inspiration to millions of other cancer sufferers.

While armchair critics and journalists alike dismantle this phenomenal athlete, we should ask ourselves:

Have I done everything in my power to lead a healthy and rewarding life? Have I taken pharmaceutical drugs to overcome lifestyle-related illness? Am I the best that I could be?

Armstrong's greatest mistake was making the rest of us look like under-achievers then trying to explain why.

Christopher Woodley Vaucluse

Given the range and extent of Lance Armstrong's lies and deceit, can we even be certain he had testicular cancer. Time to drop the lycra and to have a look at the lunchbox.

Anthony Inatey Bathurst

Gen Y in for a shock when they come to earth

I, too, mourn the decline of dissidence among our youth (''Why oh why, Gen Y, are you so nauseatingly conservative?'', January 19-20).

Voluntarily entrapped in a vacuum of solipsism, Australia's Gen Y have an unhealthy and unrealistic sense of entitlement and are oblivious to the plight of the oppressed and the environmental catastrophe that abounds.

Capitalism has enhanced their conservatism at the expense of creativity, courage and compassion. When they fall from their summit of selfishness it will be a sobering shock and a slow rehabilitation process back to sanity.

Jonathan Hill Old Erowal Bay

As an activist from Gen Y, I resent the sweeping generalisation portrayed by Alecia Simmonds in regards to our generation's apparent conservatism. As I write this I am taking a break from packing a car full of food for more than 60 students who are travelling to the ACT for the Australian Student Environment Network's annual training camp.

My friends and I, just like many other Gen Yers, are involved in a variety of environmental and social justice campaigns ranging from Sea Shepherd to Edufactory to Quit Coal to Uranium Free NSW to Australian Marriage Equality and many, many more.

Sure, there are people in my generation who care about the economy more than the environment, oddly believing that the two are separate, but these people existed in Gen X as well.

I agree that there hasn't been any 5000-strong protests but please don't take that as a sign that student activists don't exist and aren't campaigning, because we do and we are. Instead of criticising us for our apparent lack of spirit, I ask that Simmonds get down off her high horse, come to a university and, with all of her experience, help student activists in engaging more people.

Alana West Roseville

Not so dazzling

How timely your article, ''Fireworks spectacle is environmental fizzer'' (January 19-20). On Friday, while kayaking on Sydney Harbour and its pretty extensions (at least as viewed from the surface), I practised rolling my kayak just mere metres off Balmoral Beach, where I was alarmed at the amount of plastic bags of all sizes clinging to plant life.

Later the same day, while rigging a windsurfer at Tingira Memorial Park, immediately adjacent to the otherwise charming waters of Rose Bay, I had to continually look to keep myself from walking in or allowing my sailing rig to come in contact with several deposits of sizeable dog faeces across the grass.

The City of Sydney is not alone in being ''unaware'' - Mosman Council and Woollahra Municipal Council have some explaining to do, too. Biodegradable or not.

Gary Roberts Winmalee

Elephant cruelty

In regard to the separating of the Taronga elephants, the duty of care and occupational health and safety have been exaggerated in this case (''Taronga's male elephants forced to pack trunks for Dubbo after new safety rules'', January 19-20).

It is human responsibility to be aware of an elephant's behaviour and therefore treat it with reserve and respect, understanding that it is still a wild thing, not a pet.

To separate the herd when it is well known elephants depend on their community is cruel. One incident, however serious, should be something to learn from, not punish the elephants.

Where is the duty of care to the elephants? I feel the zoo should review its decision.

Ann Germon St Ives

Dob in a pollie

While Pru Goward (pictured) is busy setting up her ''dob in'' hotline for public housing tenants who suspect a neighbour of rorting the system (in government speak, welfare cheats), perhaps she can set up a second line so we plebs can dob in ministers who are also suspected of rorting the system or not performing the duties their constituents expected when electing them to office.

A long list of candidates spring to mind, and after reading Sean Nicholls's article (''Lessons from political Houdini'', January 19-20) it seems a ''dob in a pollie'' line is sorely needed.

Llieda Wild Eastwood

Climate half-truths

Climate science is constantly under attack by those who deliberately take facts out of context. Typical of so many climate warming deniers, John Sayers (Letters, January 19-20) misrepresents James Hansen's argument by only half quoting Hansen's claim that global temperatures were in fact rising.

Here is what Hansen said: ''The five-year running mean of global temperature has been flat for the past decade. It should be noted that the 'standstill' temperature is at a much higher level than existed at any year in the prior decade except for the single year 1998, which had the strongest El Nino of the century … All of the top 10 warmest years have occurred since 1998 and the 'climate dice' are now sufficiently loaded for people to notice that unusually warm seasons are occurring much more frequently than they did a few decades ago.''

Sayers is again distorting scientific facts when he disputes the influence on global warming of carbon in the atmosphere. To insist that climate change isn't happening and that it's not human-caused suggests that thousands of climate scientists around the world are lying.

Bruce Spence Balmain

No big deal

The rather alarming advice to parents planning backyard parties for offspring poses the question of whether or not it is worth the effort (''Why the backyard party has turned into a minefield'', January 19-20).

There was a time when turning 18 was barely noticed, let alone celebrated, with no apparent damage to anyone's psyche, ego or, for that matter, pocket. Why not a quiet dinner at a restaurant in lieu of these boozy extravaganzas that, facilitated by social media, too easily attract trouble-makers?

Surely parental affection need not be so opulently and publicly demonstrated.

Ron Sinclair Bathurst

Meter readers must pay attention

What are we to make of the proliferation of exorbitantly high electricity and gas bills - not just with general charges about 20 per cent higher than this time last year, but with charges increased 100 per cent or more?

Are we to believe the massive electricity and gas distribution organisations are sufficiently dishonest as to provide outrageously fraudulent bills to customers with impunity?

This would be a recipe not just for complaints from the unfortunate customers, but sufficient justification for legal action and retribution from the courts and government.

The truth of the matter most likely stems from the incompetence or, sadly, carelessness of staff reading the electricity and gas meters. Such ''mistakes'' were rare in the past, in fact I have not experienced such problems in more than 45 years of home ownership.

Funny that now, I and many others are experiencing meter readings that are resulting in enormously increased bills. I wonder if there are also instances of enormously decreased bills?

I believe ''slackness'' is the disease infecting modern work practices. Personal responsibility is a far too uncommon characteristic of modern life. It infiltrates all levels of the workforce, and I believe it is the essential factor permeating the current examples of apparent rorting by electricity and gas suppliers.

It is not exclusively the fault of the meter readers; it is also ''slackness'', or downright incompetence at a management level, that such distortions are allowed to occur. We are well overdue for a shake-up at all levels of the workforce.

Douglas Grant Lane Cove North

Blind eye for CSG health concerns

As more concern is being raised about the potential health risks associated with coal seam gas production, it is astounding that the O'Farrell government is being so bloody minded in the approval and renewal of mining leases.

Doctors for the Environment and now NSW Health are also calling for a full and comprehensive assessment of potential risks to human health in relation to CSG drilling in Western Sydney (''Full CSG health check 'essential''', January 18).

The Liberal members for Camden, Campbelltown and Wollondilly are also raising their concerns. Why, then, are Barry O'Farrell, the Planning Minister and the Minister for Resources and Energy so intent on ignoring the "voices" and the environmental and health risks of the people of NSW in favour of the mining lobby?

The Premier can invoke sections of the act and withdraw mining licences without penalty where there is a threat to public health. Why won't he? Also, why has the Minister for Primary Industries chosen to remove NSW Health representation from the board of the Sydney Catchment Authority, particularly when the mining industry is eyeing off the catchment for easy pickings?

Larry Whipper Deputy mayor, Wingecarribee Shire Council.

Rueing Carr's way

How nice to see Bob Carr as the poster boy for ageing baby boomers like me looking after our health (''Forever young: boomers refuse to act their age'', January 19-20). What a pity he didn't apply the same enthusiasm to Sydney's decrepit infrastructure while in office.

Craig Forbes Lewisham

Bushfire coverage

Tim Booth (Letters, January 16) said the coverage by 666 ABC Canberra of the bushfires on January 8 was ''too general to be useful''. The ABC takes very seriously its role as the nation's emergency broadcaster. Providing support to local communities in times of emergencies is an important element of the special relationship the ABC has with communities across Australia.

While there were no significant fires within our broadcast area on that day, feedback from other listeners tells us that information broadcast on 666 ABC Canberra about the fires at Braidwood (affecting Kings Highway), Cooma, Tarcutta (affecting the Hume Highway) and others was useful.

Additionally, as the cool weather trough moved through NSW that afternoon, fire conditions were exacerbated at the head of the change; many listeners found it useful to track the weather's progress and prepare accordingly. As well, 666 ABC Canberra issued several notices correcting false evacuation rumours at Braidwood.

The ABC regrets that this listener didn't appreciate the information.

Andrea Ho Local content manager, 666 ABC, Canberra


Lissa Christopher says she went to a dinner party where a woman talked about herself, non-stop, all night (''Now, listen here …'', January 19-20). Why else would you be going to a dinner party?

Peter West Bondi Junction

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