Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mother nature's healing grace - ABC Online

Ian Fraser

Updated January 18, 2013 13:01:31

I'm sure I was only one of thousands of Canberrans sitting down outside last night thinking of the day that, exactly a decade ago, was to come. And I'm sure I was only one of many to find myself suddenly and powerfully overwhelmed by the memories.

Back then I was a north-sider. Like tens-of-thousands of us, I spent the day listening horrified to 666 ABC Canberra and watching the sky spread bruised orange and purple from the south. I was living at the north-east base of Black Mountain, so beneath my helpless anguish for suffering friends and fellow Canberrans was also an ache of personal apprehension at what might be coming. In days to come I continued listening, stayed away from the south-side to respect people's grief, and in due course went over and helped friends sift the ashes of their life in the hope of finding physical scraps of the past to carry into the future. So far, my story was just that of any of us who were here at that time and not directly affected.

Like everyone I tried to do my bit, and my role became one of helping to keep Canberrans informed in the subsequent weeks of the situation in the ranges, particularly Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve and Namadgi National Park. Back then I was 666's 'resident naturalist' with a regular on-air slot. Because of this I was approached by ACT Parks and Conservation and asked to accompany them on tours of inspection of areas which would be closed to the public for months to come, and report on them. Emails I later got in response to my reports - the official written ones and my 666 updates - confirmed that for many people the loss of beloved forested areas was a very significant part of their grief.

For 20 years Namadgi had been my backyard. I'd written two natural history guide books and a wildflower guide about it (with my then partner, who'd moved on a couple of years before the fires). I knew and loved the park. One of the more useful things I've done with my life was to write a report in 1991 which assisted in getting the northern part of the Brindabellas included in Namadgi.

Six days after the fires I was taken to Tidbinbilla. From the locked gate on the Cotter Road at Weston Creek to Tidbinbilla - and later all the way up to Mount Ginini in Namadgi - I saw not a square metre of green. On the plains, trees were bent parallel to the ground by the inconceivable ferocity of the fire winds. Paddocks that had been eaten bare to the ground by stock somehow carried a fire so intense that it burnt through the base of power poles. I saw endless thousands of hectares of burnt trunks and no leaves. On the western slopes, soil had had all the organic material burnt out of it - it didn't even feel like soil. Great granite boulders were shedding layers of skin.

The lush wet Tidbinbilla walking track gullies I, and countless others, had loved and found solace in, contained just stark leafless trunks standing over utterly bare ground and the oozing creek. Tree ferns had vaporised. I later dreamt of the two stoical workers in white overalls and breathing masks moving through a skeletal landscape collecting six-day-old carcases and piling them into a truck to take to the pit; I had nightmares about staring down into that pit. Even after a shower that night I couldn't get the stench of burnt death out of my mouth. And there were some things that I just couldn't speak about.

A week later I was with the first Parks Service group in the Brindabellas when we discovered that, contrary to earlier reports, the internationally significant Ginini Flat sphagnum bogs had burnt, destroying hundreds of years of water-holding moss growth. That was one of the bleakest moments of my life. (The recovery work is still continuing; just last week another fire nearly destroyed the efforts, but parks staff saved it.) In the coming weeks I made further trips with rangers to chart the natural recovery, which is an integral part of the nature of Australia.

I initially sent my written reports to friends, and then to a natural history chat-line. They 'went viral', as they say. I received emails from all over the world. In less than three weeks I wrote over 300 emails to people seeking more information and such reassurance as I could offer for the future of the areas.

Later that year, when I could take people up into the high country, many of the trees were sprouting the fuzzy green cloak of epicormic growth, and the ground flowering was like nothing I'd seen there. We drove through 25 kilometres of a white carpet of Starworts, which normally is a scattered little herb. There must have been thousands of millions of seeds in the soil, awaiting a fire; no-one had predicted that. Every year the healing progresses and one day it will look again as it did, but I'll not see it in my lifetime. The mountains have seen it all before - though probably not in European times - and will doubtless see it again, though hopefully not for centuries. Grieving for the long-term loss of loved places is natural and appropriate, but so is the solace from knowing that we are just a very small part of the long story of this wonderful land; seeking to understand it is perhaps one of the most important things we can do.

Ian Fraser is Canberra naturalist and writer. He writes about his experiences on his website Ian Fraser, Talking Naturally.

Topics: bushfire, act, canberra-2600

First posted January 18, 2013 12:57:48

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