Thursday, January 17, 2013

Journey of remembrance - ABC Online

Updated January 18, 2013 10:16:21

The ACT Bushfire Memorial is designed to take visitors on a journey of remembrance.

On January 18, 2003, bushfires burning in the Brindabella Ranges south-west of Canberra formed a firestorm that raged into the capital, killing four people and destroying about 500 homes.

The ACT Government decided to build a memorial to acknowledge the impact of the fires.

After community consultation, Canberra artists Tess Horwitz, Tony Steel and Martyn Jolly were commissioned to create the site, which was dedicated in 2006 to mark the third anniversary of the blaze.

"We had these big community days. Probably the most emotional days I've ever been involved with," said Tess Horwitz.

"Huge numbers of the fire affected community turned up with contributions of text, bricks from their homes, photographs if they still had photographs from before, during and after the fire.

"It was really powerful community involvement."

More than 500 images from 80 families became part of the memorial, along with inscriptions from 160 people that were used on bricks for the curved wall entry.

Horwitz says the memorial represents a journey from the day of the firestorm, through the process of recovery to remembrance.

"You start off with the memorial walls ... a place for actual memories of the fire and for all of those community voices," she said.

"The next area actually talks about the power of the fire, and it's got these great big steel beams that almost mirror the dead trees that were actually on the site and had been blown by these over 200 kilometre winds into this curved form.

"We pretty much reproduced this with these steel structures, and we surrounded that with a forest of casuarinas that have this sort of dark whispery feel, almost of sense of nostalgia."

An avenue then leads to an amphitheatre with a round pond and bubbling spring.

"There's some large steel structures, like cathedral-type structures, that hold all the photographs that the community contributed," Horwitz said.

"It's where people can gather and enjoy the water and remember much more personal memories of recovery, friendship, the community effort that happened."

The return journey follows a meandering creek back to the beginning.

"Which is about a sense of restoration and rejuvenated," she said.

"It's now an extremely beautiful natural site. It reminds us the way things do eventually regenerate."

Horwitz says she hopes visitors enjoy the journey.

"I hope they get a sense of memory, what that actual day was like. The power of it, the fear, the terror," she said.

"I hope they get a sense, from the photographs, of how much the community helped each other, that real sense of rising of community spirit that happens in emergencies.

"I hope they get a sense of total pleasure in the nature of the site, the birds the frogs, the water.

"I hope they just love being there and that it's not only a sad place but it's also a beautiful place to visit."

Topics: bushfire, mount-stromlo-2611, act

First posted January 18, 2013 09:56:49

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