Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gillard visits top-secret Defence spy centre - ABC Online

Posted January 24, 2013 14:03:13

Its mission statement is brief and to the point: "Reveal their secrets - protect our own."

Its website declares that it operates "in the slim area between the difficult and the impossible".

And it acts as Australia's listening post - intercepting foreign communications, providing high-level intelligence to military forces and protecting Australia from cyber espionage.

Hidden within a largely non-descript building behind tight security in Canberra's defence headquarters, the work of the Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) goes largely unnoticed by the public.

And for only the second time since the DSD relocated from Melbourne more than two decades ago, it has hosted an Australian prime minister.

Julia Gillard wanted to visit the top-secret agency on the back of yesterday's announcement that the Government would be establishing a new cyber security centre by the end of the year.

"The work that you do here is a pivotal part of our national security efforts, it's a pivotal part of keeping our nation safe, and thank you very much for doing it," Ms Gillard told the hundreds of DSD staff who had lined the internal balconies across several levels of the building's atrium.

Her speech was broadcast via a secure video-link to staff at other DSD locations around Australia - including Geraldton in Western Australia's mid-west, Darwin, and Canberra - as well as to liaison staff in the United States.

Earlier Ms Gillard had visited "the pit" - an area of the building's basement where staff work on rows of computers within the DSD's cyber security operations centre.

Understandably, the DSD goes to great lengths to protect the work it undertakes. Its building is surrounded by a fence several metres high, rigged with motion sensors.

Mobile phones are not allowed within the building because of the potential of them being unknowingly used as a listening device by foreign intelligence agencies and phone signals are jammed.

Journalists have rarely been allowed inside the building. For today's visit, reporters and photographers were closely monitored by staff escorts and warned not to wander off.

Having passed through a security check, representatives of the media were issued with visitor passes which explained what to do in the event of a lockdown.

It advised that windows, blinds and doors should be closed and lights turned off, computers locked and documents put away.

It also warned of the need to remain silent and directed the pass holder to "Hide!!", adding that a lockdown could be in place for some time.

In welcoming the Prime Minister, the DSD's acting director, Mike Burgess, said the organisation's work was necessarily conducted in secret.

"That helps us protect our capabilities, that helps us generate intelligence that meets national intelligence needs," he said.

"It also helps us protect our men and women deployed in Afghanistan at the moment and elsewhere on military operations.

"And as you know, it also helps us protect Australia against the cyber threat."

Mr Burgess then quipped: "In that regard of our work being necessarily conducted in secret, I should also acknowledge and welcome the media to Defence Signals Directorate."

Ms Gillard quickly responded: "Your secrets are safe with them."

Topics: security-intelligence, defence-and-national-security, defence-industry, government-and-politics, federal-government, internet-technology, gillard-julia, canberra-2600, act, australia

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