Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gillard thanks unsung defence heroes - Brisbane Times


Prime Minister Julia Gillard has made a rare visit to Australia's defence spy agency to restate her government's resolve to fight cyber threats to security.

Ms Gillard, who is the second prime minister to visit Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) headquarters in Canberra after John Howard's post Bali bombing visit in 2005, thanked the agency for its mostly unacknowledged work in keeping Australia safe.

"Thank you for every effort you make and efforts that we can't thank you for one success at a time," she told DSD staff on Thursday.

"We never go out there and say, `Guess what DSD has done today? They've done a really good job.'"

"We never go out there and say that for very good reasons."

Ms Gillard on Wednesday announced a new national security strategy focused on boosting Australia's defences against malicious cyber attacks.

As part of the strategy, a new cyber security centre will be established in Canberra drawing on the skills of the nation's top cyber security experts.

The centre is expected to be launched by the end of 2013.

"(This) is an important initiative because cyber security encompasses so much in terms of threats ... that we see from state and non-state actors," the prime minister said.

Mike Burgess, DSD acting director, thanked Ms Gillard for her "historic" visit and explained why the agency's work had to be conducted in secret.

"That helps us protect our capabilities (and) it helps us to generate intelligence that meets national intelligence needs," he said.

"It also helps us to protect our men and women deployed in Afghanistan at the moment and elsewhere on military operations and, as you know, it also helps us protect Australia against the cyber threat."

Australia's new cyber security centre will be responsible for analysing cyber threats and will work closely with critical infrastructure sectors.

It will be the hub of the nation's cyber security efforts, gathering in one place the cyber operational capabilities of the DSD, Defence Intelligence Organisation, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the Attorney-General's Department's Computer Emergency Response Team Australia, Australian Federal Police and the Australian Crime Commission.

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