Sunday, January 20, 2013

From a humble humpy to a happy ho - ABC Online

Updated January 21, 2013 09:24:08

Tucked away in a bush reserve near Canberra's Lake Burley Griffin lies a humpy made of twigs and branches. It is where Stefan lived for four years - safe and quiet, but still close enough to civilisation.

For the four years he lived in his makeshift home he went practically unnoticed.

"In the morning you need an hour to pack it all up again, because you don't really want to be seen or found out. If you're seen or found out you get into trouble with the National Capital Authority for example," he says.

"It's always a lot of work to get everything packed up in the morning and then at night time always setting it up. A lot of your time is spent doing that. And then you have to go and buy some fresh fruit because you haven't got a fridge or storage room."

Stefan became homeless a decade ago.

"I lived in WA and I was very sick back then, and I tried to get back on my feet but I just couldn't. There was a lot of abuse in my childhood. Violent abuse from my parents and later childhood sexual abuse from neighbours. So there were a lot of issues and I just snapped, I just couldn't handle it," he said.

While sleeping rough has its challenges, the humble humpy was also quite idyllic.

"It was really beautiful because it was really remote, and you feel very safe," he said.

"Being homeless you have both worlds. You have a lot of light and a lot of shadows and it's just amazing having that situation here, and no one really interferes with you and you get to live with the wildlife."

That came to an end late last year when ill health landed Stefan in hospital. He was diagnosed with bowel cancer and underwent radiotherapy. His doctors said while he recovered he would be too weak to go back to the bush, so they put him contact with St Vincent de Paul's Street to Home program.

Street to home

The outreach workers from Street to Home had heard about a rough sleeper in the area, but they had never been able to find Stefan when they went looking for him. So when the hospital rang they were ready to help.

Stefan was placed into one the program's crisis accommodation units and Vinnies managed to get him a permanent place after several months.

"It's very different, for the first time in three years I sleep," Stefan says of his new home.

"You have a home life now for the first time in many years, and you have an established suburb you live in, and you get to have a social life, which you really didn't have before."

Harold Chatfield is Stefan's case manager and has seen how his client's life has changed throughout the year.

"I look at Stefan now and it's amazing, the person he was to the person he is today, with a smile."

Street to Home targets long-term rough sleepers and is based on the principle of assertive outreach, meaning when offers of help are rejected, as they often can be, the workers persevere.

"Even if they say no I'll just walk past and say how ya going mate?" Harold said.

It is about persistence and slowly building trust and rapport with people who all too often have been let down by the system.

Lesley Bonney is the coordinator of St Vincent de Paul's street program and says moving into a house can often be a difficult transition for a long-term rough sleeper.

"We always offer for people to go in and see what it's like after such a long time of being out of it," she said.

The next chapter

For Stefan the re-entry into civilisation has been relatively smooth, he has just got one complaint.

"Well I think the worst thing is the inane television programs," he jokes.

He is still recovering from his illness, but he is moving forward, making plans and talking about looking for work.

He says ideally he would love to be a teacher.

Topics: homelessness, canberra-2600, act

First posted January 21, 2013 09:16:59

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