January 16

Illustration: Simon Letch
Gerard Henderson raved ''it is impossible to imagine Assange would be regarded as such a hero if he were an anti-government right-wing blogger who had declined to be questioned in Sweden about allegations by two left-wing feminists'' (''Arrogant Assange digs his own rave with delusions of grandeur'', January 15).
I doubt whether Henderson knows anything about Assange's accusers' political views. And would Henderson be putting pen to paper to criticise Assange if he was a right-wing blogger? No mention of the significant differences between the British and Swedish justice systems. Nor about the very different definitions of rape in Sweden.
Henderson loves his left-wing conspiracy theories.
David Hicks in my view was no left-winger but people supported him for his being denied justice in a military hell hole for five years. Nothing to do with his politics.
Henderson's claim that the absence of supporters outside the Ecuadorian embassy early on a cold Sunday morning suggested ''his celebrity status was diminishing'' was plain silly.
Keith Parsons Newcastle
Is the Herald intent on ruining my every morning this week?
On Monday, I barely got through Paul Sheehan's poorly conceived defence of Alan Jones without screwing up the pages and tossing them into the bin. Tuesday I have the next most usual rage-inducer, Gerard Henderson, pointlessly attacking Julian Assange for not being famous or relevant any more.
Gerard, he may not be famous or relevant to the rest of the world but he clearly is to you, as you have him as the focus of your entire article, or do you usually write about irrelevant non-entities?
Please, tell me I don't have Peter Costello to look forward to tomorrow defending his profligate legacy, followed by the return of Miranda Devine on Thursday denigrating same-sex marriage and an opinion piece by Gina Rinehart to round out the week explaining how I am poor because I am lazy?
Julian Brown Manly Vale
Gerard Henderson's attempt to construe some meaning from the tranquil scene at the Ecuadorian embassy, Julian Assange's place of refuge, is just silly. Most prisoners and political refugees have lives with long periods of quiet tedium and that means nothing.
On whether Assange is dangerous, he has challenged the world's hegemon in the same way Daniel Ellsberg did, by revealing what it was doing and what it thought about what it was doing. As far as I have read that record, it is largely evidence of the cover-ups of innocents slaughtered, deceptions of allies and occasional flashes of humanity when it coincides with national interest. If airing that kind of information doesn't make you dangerous, to the hegemon at least, it's hard to think what would.
Geoff Mullen McMahons Point
Gerard Henderson is like a dog chewing over a rotten bone.
He spent years bashing Whitlam; do we now have to have him bashing Assange for the next decade or so? Here is a shock for the right-wingers in Australia averse to open and honest dealings with other nations and people - Assange is an Australian with the same right to rule of law as them. Give it a bloody rest - Assange exposed mass murderers, he is not one himself.
Marilyn Shepherd Angaston (SA)
Ah, irony sweet irony. It's reassuring to know that, despite his meandering rant yesterday, Gerard Henderson would - predictably - be first in line championing Julian Assange should he begin defamation proceedings against the PM.
Henry Everingham Stanmore
Mukul Desai urges the federal government to bring Assange back home (Letters, January 15). Why? Assange has not lived in Australia for several years and has shown no interest in returning, save for a speculative punt at securing a seat in the Senate. The government should focus on issues that are more fundamentally important. Assange can go and live in Ecuador.
Matt Kwan Sydney
Drop the deputy sheriff role
According to David Wroe, since joining the United Nations Security Council, ''Australia has won a lead role in managing global sanctions against al-Qaeda and the Taliban as well as against Iran over its nuclear ambitions'' (''Terrorism fears trigger push to stop Islamist violence in Mali'', January 15).
That sounds like a lottery prize but how does it serve Australia's national interests? By attracting the attention of aggrieved terrorists in retaliation? With hubris reminiscent of Kevin Rudd on the world stage, our Foreign Affairs Minister, Bob Carr, has already suggested sending money and equipment to Mali to help the French and Africans resist the northern Islamist insurgency. With our troops not yet withdrawn from their failed mission in Afghanistan, maybe we could swing them across directly to Bamako.
This notion that Australia as a ''middle power'' has a duty to ''boost its role in tackling hot spots around the world'' is nonsense - world deputy-sheriff stuff. When are we going to learn some modesty and realism in our foreign affairs, and focus on the challenges in our huge backyard in Asia and the Pacific?
Peter O'Hara Bondi
Limit population to give young a chance of home
Housing would still be too expensive for first home buyers even if stamp duty exemptions were made for buyers of existing homes. There are limits to how purchasers can absorb the increasing costs of housing, and living. There are limits to any growth.
An economic reliance on new housing must ultimately have constraints to growth. The housing industry is driven by perpetual population growth, and while new arrivals stimulate the economy's cash flows, the long-term costs of infrastructure, declining standards of living, increasing costs of utilities, and nibbling away our environment, are all an afterthought. The benefits of the housing industry end up outstripped by numerous costs.
While the growth model benefited us in the past, it can't be perpetuated forever. Governments and economists should have long-term vision and perception but they persist with the growth-based economic model - despite the fact that it defies all notions of what it means to be sustainable.
Once economic growth hits our most vulnerable, and locks young people out of home ownership, it's time for a transition to a human-friendly steady-state economic model. There would be enough houses for everyone.
Vivienne Ortega Heidelberg Heights (Vic)
Knots in a name
The Golden Globes, the Oscars and the AACTAs. Yes, you read correctly. But what on earth are the AACTAs? The Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Awards were created by the Australian Film institute to, among other things, help ''brand'' the Australian industry's annual awards. I don't know a person in our industry, let alone the movie-going public, who knows what AACTA stands for. Most think it sounds like actors!
It is time to give our awards an ''identity'', something of which to be proud.
I suggest the Longfords, and elevating the Raymond Longford Award to be renamed the Longford Lyell Award in recognition of Longford's partner in film and life, Lottie Lyell.
We have the Walkleys, the Helpmanns, the ARIAs. Television has the Logies, so why not the Longfords?
Anthony Buckley Point Clare
Animal arrogance
Andrew Orr (Letters, January 14) writes about human ignorance of non-human animals and the denial of many that we are animals too. Odder still is the speciesism we practise. We virtually ignore the deaths of over 25,000 sheep and cattle in the bushfires, which barely make the news. The deaths of a similar number of cats and dogs would be just cause for an outcry and demands for a government inquiry into duty of care.
Why do we think one group of non-human animal deaths is not OK and another is ho-hum? I don't know about our being the superior species, but our rationality is certainly in doubt.
Judy Hungerford Crows Nest
Life in the now
How refreshing it was to read the opinion piece by Meredith Gresham (''Fostering a different attitude to dementia'', January 14.) I have worked with clients who have a diagnosis of dementia for over 20 years and as a diversional therapist I agree totally with Ms Gresham. It is true that one does not need memory to enjoy oneself.
Unfortunately, too often people living with dementia are judged to be incapable of participating in and enjoying activities which are stimulating, and which enhance their quality of life and self-esteem. It is wonderfully rewarding to observe people who have memory problems remaining socially active by participating in activities such as music, tai chi, painting and exercise.
There are many individuals living with dementia who enjoy life and courageously make the most of their situation - the trouble is, we don't hear enough of these positive stories.
Janet Godsell Marsfield
No mere oblivion
Re ''Classic way to turbo-boost the brain'' (January 14), on her 89th birthday, complaining of short-term memory loss, I prompted my mother-in-law with the opening words of a Shakespeare sonnet. She recited it word perfectly, entertaining and delighting the company including her grandchildren.
During a week's holiday away from the distractions of the internet and the mobile phone, I committed some of the sonnets to memory. Apart from wanting my own geriatric party trick, I enjoyed the complexity of the language, the symbolism and enduring wisdom of the sonnets.
Perhaps Nana and her generation who learnt Shakespeare and Wordsworth by rote as children intuitively knew what was good for their brains. Reading classic poetry sets off far more electrical activity in the brain than reading modern texts.
Kate Lumley Hurlstone Park
Facts on Tomic
According to your correspondent Richard Hinds (''Like him or not, fans can't have it both ways on Tomic'', January 15), the country is less at ease with its multiculturalism than it was 15 years ago.
Given his painful lack of awareness of other countries and their languages/geography, I can see why.
In his article, he physically misplaces his family's country of origin (as far as I'm aware, Croatia has never been a Baltic state - it is geographically the equivalent of putting southern France in Scotland), and the pronunciation of Tomic's name that Hinds puts forward unequivocally is just plain wrong. (Tomic is the 13th most prevalent surname in Croatia, and is most certainly pronounced Tomich, not Tomick).
The fact that your subeditor didn't catch such factual errors only underlines, with a certain irony one must add, precisely the lack of sensitivity and accuracy that your correspondent suggests should be a sign of a healthy multiculturalism.
Felix Patrikeeff Adelaide
ABC fire news should be localised
I spent Tuesday, January 8, listening to my ''local'' ABC Canberra 666. I was hoping to hear local news regarding the fire risk to my farm property near Queanbeyan.
I understood that this was the ''official'' and the best source for information on the fires (the Rural Fire Service website was down!) but I was dismayed to find that the coverage was being run from 702 ABC Sydney.
On a day that had been ascribed a catastrophic fire risk, I had hoped to hear genuine local news from local reporters.
The information I heard was largely irrelevant to me or my area, and therefore to anyone in any area. As serious as these fires are for the people and areas they impact, information about fires in Wagga Wagga, Narrandera, Wandandian (wherever that is) and Tarcutta are not much of a concern for the listeners in Canberra and vice versa.
The coverage was too general to be useful; reporters were pronouncing names wrongly, repeating redundant announcements and generally struggling for content with trivial and weak interviews.
Apart from the lack of genuine local fire information this ''crying wolf'' state of affairs is dangerous as it diminishes the effect of locally important news when it is broadcast because listeners are then jaded and uninterested, having dismissed their ''local ABC'' as too general to be of use.
There were fires in my district and occasionally I did hear information about local fire events nearby but because the coverage was statewide this was only briefly reported and was almost glossed over.
I presume this is a result of cost cutting in the ABC and I would like to see the local ABC stations given a more effective opportunity to report serious local events.
Tim Booth Carwoola
MP's comment on brawl is unhealthy
Reading the federal Liberal Andrew Laming's biography, I was surprised that a man of his high qualifications would sink so low as to use the social media to inflame the situation between Islanders and Aborigines in Logan, Queensland.
No doubt his leader will be in damage control as he tries to hose down his comments. To those who follow politics, Laming is one of many in Coalition ranks who see the world in the same blinkered and privileged way.
Dallas Fraser Mudgeeraba (Qld)
Blame US for PMS
Jacqueline Maley has shaken me to the core in her report that PMS might not exist (''PMS may be gone but women are in no mood to lose anger'', January 15). I have suffered from PMS for years, second-hand, you understand, having a wife and two daughters.
To suggest the syndrome has been invented in the West and is unknown in many other countries has disturbed me. But perhaps there is some basis to that. If anyone was going to invent PMS it would have to be the Americans.
The US has a distinguished history of strange fashions, developed there and slavishly followed by women the world over. As examples, leg warmers - once essential for every woman's gym visit - but now discarded; the "Veronica Lake" strand of hair covering one eye, rendering the woman half blind; sunglasses worn high on the head but never on the eyes; cargo pants worn so low you suspect the wearer has had an accident; and "inner tube" lips, full of chemicals. These traits could have begun in no other country.
Lin Sinton Killarney Heights
A word of warning to any blokes who read Jacqueline Maley's piece about the non-existence of PMT: do NOT mention this revelation to your wife. As the article goes on to say, hell hath no fury like a woman deprived of her right to be furious.
Tim Wilson Cremorne
Replace premenstrual tension with menopause and Jacqueline Maley's article would still make complete sense.
Alicia Dawson Balmain
Packing for lunch
Cathy Wilcox has exceeded herself with her brilliant depiction of an American school lunchbox containing a sandwich, an apple, a Cheetos bar and a revolver.
My immediate reaction was that the Herald should syndicate it around the world but then, of course, I realised that Americans would find it neither interesting nor grisly. I'm sure many American school lunchboxes already look like that.
James Prior Sylvania Waters
Players' perks
A great article from Shane Green (''Off the court, the players have a racket of their own'', January 14) on players' entitlements and expectations.
I'm curious to know why, at the end of her first round victory, Sam Stosur pushed, without shame, at least three of those collectable towels into a not too official looking bag. Distribution to fans obviously starts at the second round.
Christopher Derrick New Farm (Qld)

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