Golding cartoon .. the sun sets in the west

Illustration: Matt Golding.

PRAWNS infected with cholera, peanuts contaminated with dangerous pesticides and cheese carrying the harmful listeria bacteria have been intercepted on their way to Australia.

The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service rejected almost 350 shipments of food for failing to meet chemical and bacterial standards in the 10 months to October 30, including four shipments of cooked prawns from China and Thailand found to have cholera bacteria.

Chlorpyrifos, a pesticide linked to neurological defects and developmental and autoimmune disorders, was found in peanuts imported from China on six occasions.

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority began a review of chlorpyrifos because of concerns over its toxicity and potential risks but a final report has not been handed down.

Use of the pesticide in the United States has been banned since 2001.

Ethylene chlorohydrin - detected in chilli powder, cinnamon sticks and garam masala powder from India in August - can cause nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, headaches, low blood pressure, collapse, shock and coma.

Australian National University public health and infection expert Martyn Kirk said the impacts on Australians would depend on the amount of the bacteria or chemical consumed.

''You need quite a high dose of cholera to get infected,'' Dr Kirk said. ''Most people get cholera when sanitation is poor and it would depend on the levels. You need about 1000 organisms to establish an infection.''

Produce from India was rejected 49 times in the first 10 months of this year, while China and Italy both had 32 products banned.

French cheeses were not up to Australian standards on 43 occasions. The French dairy products were found to have listeria, salmonella and unacceptable levels of E. coli.

Dr Kirk said food with E. coli bacteria indicated that it had not been processed in a sanitary way.

''E. coli is usually from the guts of mammals and indicates that there has been contamination with human or animal effluent or faecal matter of sorts,'' he said.

Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Canberra Gabrielle Cooper said the presence of listeria bacteria in more than 30 products - including oysters from China, Roquefort cheese from France, smoked salmon from Ireland and ham from Italy - should serve as a reminder for pregnant women.

''Listeria is very bad news for pregnant women - often they will have a premature delivery or spontaneous abortion with an infection in pregnancy,'' Dr Cooper said. ''It depends on the loads they take, but the recommendation for pregnant women is to stay away from soft cheese and deli meats like salami.''

Listeria also causes blood poisoning and meningitis. About a third of patients, whose infection spreads to the central nervous system, die.

Seafood, sesame seeds products such as tahini, soft cheeses and beef are categorised as ''risk foods''. AQIS tests all of the first five shipments from a producer, 25 per cent for the next 20 shipments and 5 per cent from then on if there have been no positive results.