Monday, December 31, 2012

US rocket plan became Hawke's first setback - Sydney Morning Herald

THE Hawke government was ready to keep the public from knowing it supported an American MX ballistic missile test program that involved rockets landing in the western Pacific off Tasmania.

Bob Hawke's popularity rating as prime minister had been walking on water for two years but the MX missile crisis was his first setback when the American plan became public.

Hawke was hurt because, amid widespread protests against uranium mining and the nuclear arms race, his government did not seem to know the Americans wanted to take aim on the neighbourhood.

The Fraser government had agreed to a US request to land two MX missiles in the Tasman Sea about 220 kilometres off Tasmania's Cape Pillar in 1981 but decided to keep quiet about it due to political considerations.

Hawke confirmed Australia's agreement to the missile tests on a Washington visit in 1983 but cabinet appeared to be kept in the dark. Cabinet appeared to want to keep the MX missile tests it under its hat.

A cabinet minute on January 29, 1985, from the security committee dealing with the MX missile tests, reveals the government reluctantly addressed the possibility of them becoming public.

''The committee agreed that, in the event of circumstances requiring the government to explain its position on the MX test program, the government would publicly confirm that: (a) upon coming to office it had been confronted with an undertaking given by its predecessor to provide certain assistance to the US program; and (b) it had decided to honour that undertaking, but only after the prime minister had secured US agreement to the transfer of the splash-down out of the Australian EEZ (Economic Exclusion Zone) into international waters.''

The committee also agreed that ''whether the program became public or not, the prime minister would tell the US authorities, when in Washington next week, that should there be a US request to provide assistance for further tests, Australia's previous agreement to provide assistance would not constitute a precedent''.

Further requests, cabinet agreed, would require consultation with the South Pacific Forum.

On February 1, Canberra announced US planes monitoring the splashdown would be permitted to land in Australia.

The ALP and the anti-nuclear movement were clearly unhappy and the government faced its most serious fallout since taking office in 1983.

Four days later, at an extraordinary press conference in Brussels, Hawke backed away from a firm commitment for Australia to help the US.

The US secretary of state, George Shultz, knew which way the wind was blowing and after meeting Hawke two days later graciously announced the US would not use Australian facilities for the MX missile test.

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