Writer's pad … Hairy Truman on the Nobel Prize winner's desk. Photo: AP
NINE lives and six toes may not be enough to save the descendants of Ernest Hemingway's cat Snowball. The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has ruled that the government does have the power to restrict the movements of the dozens of cats that live at the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum in Key West, Florida. The showpiece has fought the government over the cats for years after a visitor complained about museum's care of the animals to the US Department of Agriculture. Some 250,000 visitors a year flock to the museum to experience the house where the famed American writer lived from 1931 to 1938 and see the out of the ordinary, polydactyl (six-toed) felines whose company he enjoyed. Hemingway cared for a white polydactyl cat named Snowball that was given to him by a ship's captain. Snowball's offspring and other felines have been roaming the grounds ever since, without much controversy. Court documents note that the museum has always kept, fed, and provided weekly veterinary care for the Hemingway cats, and spayed or neutered most of them "to prevent population beyond the historical norm of 50 to 60 cats". The case dragged on through the US court system for a decade. In 2009, the museum argued that the Animal Welfare Act didn't apply. The court ruled in favour of the government, and when the museum appealed, the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision. The question now is, will Washington really want to oversee the care and control of so many cats?
Yass, that most unlikely of towns, is about to have greatness thrust upon it. For a few days around Christmas, the pivot of the southern tablelands will become the focus of national attention as Wayne Swan runs the nation from a property outside town. The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, is enjoying a well-earned fortnight's break and Swan has stepped into her shoes as Deputy Prime Minister. Usually Swan governs the nation in a relaxed open-shirt manner from the deck of his Queenslander in north-east Brisbane. But this year on Christmas Day itself, he'll be at the in-laws place - a property near Yass. Some Christmas holidays have a tendency to spin out of control for politicians. Nature does not like them taking breaks, apparently. But Swan will only be an hour out of Canberra, usefully close should he need to take control of a situation.
The Hobbit bandwagon rolls into Sydney on Tuesday night with a red carpet premier in the George Street entertainment zone. But the world knows the film is already a runaway smash. Over the weekend, it set a December movie record with $80 million in US and Canadian ticket sales as fans turned out for the long-awaited big-screen return to Middle-earth. The Hobbit's north American opening weekend toppled the old record for December set by the Will Smith sci-fi flick I Am Legend, which pulled in $75 million when made its debut in 2007.The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey also rung up sales of $132 million in international markets. According to, the projection for the total box office take in 2012 is $10 billion. The 3D Hobbit directed by New Zealander Peter Jackson, pictured, is the first of three films based on a 1937 classic novel by J.R.R. Tolkien. The next two Hobbit movies are scheduled to reach theatres in December 2013 and July 2014. The films cost just under $500 million to make.
Hell hath no fury than a Brit incensed by the Australian media. Media Spy is one of those brave new world websites where glory is all and the traps for young players are plenty. Hot on the heels of 2DayFM and the backfiring prank phone call of Mel Greig and Michael Christian to the Duchess of Cambridge's London hospital, one of Media Spy's scribes, Andrew Jaffrey, was told the Hey Dad..! actor Robert Lindsay Hughes wanted to talk before leaving Britain to face charges in Australia. Jaffrey rang a number in England, spoke to a man who answered to the name Hughes, and put a story on the website. Last Wednesday, his Hughes rang back, said Media Spy had got the wrong man and declared: ''You media people believe anything. How does it feel when you get pranked?'' The story was pulled and Jaffrey and the website have spent the week apologising. ''The staff involved in the publication of this article will be counselled to ensure that such a mistake does not occur again in the future,'' Disregarding the tautology, we suggest Alan Jones, tutored recently in the art of fact-checking, could perhaps mentor Media Spy's young enthusiasts.
A batch of letters revealing Louis ''Satchmo'' Armstrong had fathered a child may have shocked the easily shockable US, but Sydney's legendary jazzman Dick Hughes, now 81, says it's old news. A year and a day after Armstrong died, Hughes was in New York in 1972 for a jazz festival when he looked up two members of Armstrong's old band, Zutty Singleton and Barney Bigard. They told him Armstrong, who did not lack female company on the road, had fathered a child by one of his many girlfriends. ''He asked his wife Lucille if they could adopt the baby but she said no,'' Hughes says. Sharon Preston-Folta, 57, a Floridian marketing worker with more than a passing likeness to Armstrong, claims her mother , Lucille ''Sweets'' Preston, had a two-decade affair with Armstrong and made him somewhat more than just the Father of Jazz.
THE US premiere of the first film of Lee Child's airport best-sellers about American ex-military police officer Jack Reacher has been postponed after the Connecticut shootings. Paramount Pictures says the decision to put the Tom Cruise film on hold was made ''out of honour and respect for the families of the victims whose lives were senselessly taken''. The Pittsburgh premiere would have been Cruise's first US media event since he split from wife Katie Holmes in June. The movie was mostly shot in Pittsburgh and was due to open on Friday. Cruise's
co-star Robert Duvall and director Christopher McQuarrie were also expected to attend. The Jack Reacher novels are a sort of modern day white knight saga and follow the ex-MP as he travels the US as a moral force for good. Reacher is a new franchise for Cruise, who is already looking at a fifth instalment of Mission Impossible. If successful, the Reacher saga could go on forever: Childs just published his 17th Reacher epic, A Wanted Man, in September.
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