Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Press Gallery gives Treasurer Wayne Swan the thumbs down - The Australian

Treasurer Wayne Swan

Acting Prime Minister Wayne Swan is not that popular with journalists in Canberra, one of whom described him as the least effective Treasurer in recent memory. Picture: Kym Smith Source: News Limited

HE may have been declared World's Best Treasurer but Wayne Swan has earned a fiscal raspberry as the Federal Parliament's Worst Performer, according to the Canberra Press Gallery.

At the end of one of the most vicious and scandalous political years in memory, Julia Gillard's "mysoginist" jibe against Tony Abbott has been ranked the Most Memorable Moment - narrowly ahead of Kevin Rudd's ill-fated leadership challenge in February.

And Bill Shorten's impressive Yes Minister impersonation - "I haven't seen what she (Julia Gillard) has said, but let me say I support what it is that she said" - earns him a gong as Gaffe of the Year, according to a survey of 20 Press Gallery journalists.

Eight of the pundits nominated the smooth introduction of the carbon tax as the year's Best Achievement - edging out Ms Gillard's survival as Prime Minister, which secured six votes.

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Press Gallery survey 2012

And the Low Point of the year, which will rank as one of the most divisive since the Whitlam dismissal, was divided between the scandal surrounding Peter Slipper and parliament's failure to reach an agreement on asylum seeker policy despite a marathon debate in June.

The survey - which was done on the condition of anonymity and included representatives from newspapers, radio, television and online - was conducted before Mr Swan's announcement on Thursday that the Government had shelved its promised Budget surplus.

While most of those surveyed predicted the Budget would stay in the red, seven Gallery reporters did predict he would deliver a surplus next May.

The Prime Minister - who is taking a well-earned rest before returning to the fray in 2013 for the election battle - earned the title of Best Parliamentary Performer, with six votes.

But the Climate Change Minister and part-time comedian Greg Combet came a close second, with five votes, followed by Anthony Albanese, the Government's head-kicking Transport Minister, with four.

Mr Combet's Melbourne Cup-inspired form guide of the Opposition frontbench, delivered in parliament in early November, was one of the few memorable moments in this forgettable year, according to several journalists.

While Australia's economy is the envy of most countries, the Treasurer's performance as a parliamentary debater earned few brownie points.

"Wayne Swan is the least effective Treasurer in Parliament in recent memory," said one senior Gallery figure.

"The Labor backbench seems to be more interested in discussing the weather than listening to (Mr Swan) whenever he's on his feet," said another.

But while her Deputy struggles to cut-through, the PM is considered the best in the business. Her October speech to parliament - during which she lashed out at Tony Abbott over his alleged sexist attitude - received worldwide attention.

It was considered the Most Memorable Moment in 2012 by seven survey respondents - while the extraordinary photos of Ms Gillard being chaperoned to safety by burly security during the so-called Australia Day riots also rated a mention.

Mr Rudd's shock resignation while he was in Washington - triggering an avalanche of criticism from his own colleagues - received six votes in the Most Memorable stakes.

"It was shock and awe," said one journalist, of Mr Rudd's failed push to regain the Prime Ministership.<

The Low Point of a year which many experienced commentators are calling the dirtiest in memory was the former Speaker Peter Slipper - and his infamous text messages to his one-time adviser-turned-accuser James Ashby.

Mr Slipper received five votes, narrowly ahead of the failed debate over asylum seeker policy in June - a debate that took place in the parliament in the shadow of yet another disaster on the high seas involving people seeking a better life free from persecution.

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