Sunday, December 30, 2012

Musing about election dates in 2013 - Ninemsn

Malcolm Mackerras is never short of an opinion, especially on the eve of a federal election year.

The veteran psephologist predicts polling day will be October 26, 2013 and there is a 90 per cent probability of a coalition win.

Earlier in December, Mackerras had been tempted to give Labor a 20 per cent chance of victory on the back of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's improved standing in the opinion polls.

"However, I have decided to reject that option and go instead for a straight prediction," he wrote in The Canberra Times.

"Tony Abbott will be prime minister."

Mackerras is less certain about the size of a coalition win, saying he has no feel for the number of seats likely to change hands.

The academic won't be the last expert to muse about an election that needs to be held before the last Saturday in November.

The ABC's Antony Green believes any election date between August and October would match the timing outlined in the constitution and fit in with past election practice.

An election in November also would be constitutionally valid, he says.

Even if that means extending the government's term to the maximum by allowing the term of the House of Representatives to expire, a practice only seen once before in 1910.

"Hanging on until November without reason would start to look desperate," Green warns.

The three-year term of a federal parliament is set from the date of the first sitting of the lower house, not from the date of the election.

So the much-maligned 43rd parliament expires on September 27, requiring the Gillard government to hold an election before the end of November.

The option of an election before August has its complications.

No government since 1901 has ever called an election for February.

Two of the five Saturdays in March are out of the question: Western Australia has a state election on March 9 while March 30 is Easter Saturday.

April and May are too close to what is likely to be a pivotal budget for the government.

Not only will Labor want to reboot its economic credentials in light of another budget deficit, it has to deliver on a promise to outline in considerable detail how it will pay for a national disability insurance scheme and an overhaul of school funding.

That takes us into winter, an unpopular choice for governments.

The timing of Senate elections makes it impossible to hold a half-Senate election in either June or July.

A lower house-only election, with the prospect of a half-Senate election inside a year, has been done once only before.

Even a popular government, let alone one without a majority, might have trouble selling that option to voters.

Stanley Bruce couldn't. His conservative government was routed by Labor in 1929.

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