The regulator of the national energy market says the meeting of federal and state leaders this week is a once in a decade chance to reform Australia's power generating system.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Sunday announced she'd be pitching several measures to state premiers at Friday's Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in Canberra to save consumers of up to $250 a year on their energy bills.

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AMEC) says COAG is a chance to make some substantial reforms.

"It is an opportunity that only comes around once a decade," AMEC commissioner John Pierce told ABC Radio on Monday.

The states would be asked to bolster competition in their electricity markets and consider introducing smart meters and cost-reflective pricing so consumers can better manage their energy usage.

Mr Pierce said it was about informing consumers in how to reduce their use of electricity and pocket the savings.

Energy program director at think-tank the Grattan Institute, Tony Woods, said the regulator needed more direct power and incentives to tighten prices charged by energy providers.

"It has to be done by both the federal and the state governments, they need to hold the regulator accountable for delivering a much better result in the long-term interests of consumers," Mr Woods said.

The national body representing gas and electricity distribution in Australia said there are different factors for the rise in power prices in recent years.

Energy Networks Associations chief executive Malcolm Roberts said the cost of capital had risen since the global financial crisis to replace ageing assets and the ongoing need to build extra capacity to meet peak demand for power.

"It is too simplistic to suggest that high network costs reflect just the margin of regulatory failure," Mr Roberts said.